
Best of all, the sponsor pay for it and this all free....for now.

It takes 30 minutes to set up most of it once a person has a basic understanding of the features....and like me....most people learn about these features over a period of a long time and implement these features as they learn about them. Really, no big deal.

BTW, it was great seeing you at Tucson! I had fun talking to some of your clients and helping them understand! See you next year!


On 3/15/2014 11:17 AM, Anne Black wrote:
Thank you Jim, but really all that!!!! No wonder some people call it a colossal waste of time!!!!

Lists...... Groups....... How do you find time to manage all that? I haven't even found time to update my website since I got back from Tucson. No, I might consider something simple like the Meteorite-Exchange page, but nothing more.

As for the NSA, I don't know how that got into the conversation, it is totally irrelevant.

Thanks anyway.

Anne M. Black

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Wooddell <>
To: meteorite-list <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:51 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Photos of Dr. Laurence Garvie and Myself teaching meteorite basics.

Hi Anne,

The simple answer is security settings per post in FaceBook (FB).

FaceBook posts can be the following;

Public - The post goes goes to anyone.  You can see them.

Friends - The post goes to the FB friends that have been approve by
Ruben as FB friends.  Only his friends see them

Group -  The post goes to a specific group that Ruben would select.

Lists - The post would go to a specific list that Ruben made that has
his FB friends he wants
in the list.  An example is my Meteorite Interests List.  Everyone I
have in FB that is related to
meteorite interests are in my Meteorite Interest List.  This keeps me
from bothering these folks
with my other interests they may not want to have anything to do with.
It keeps things respectful of others for me

And there are a few others...

For some examples, I use List's a lot.  I made several.   One of them is
called Family and only my family members get those posts.

 I host two groups and my posts to those groups do not go to my
meteorite FB friends.
(unless FB breaks or I blow it).

This is part of the learning curve I mentioned in a previous post.

Another example... Melinda Hutson hosts the Cascadia Meteorite
Laboratory page.  I just invited a bunch of folks to "Like" that page.
It is currently
gaining members by leaps and bounds and when CML posts something, all
those folks will see it.  If those people do not like what CML posts,
they can simply
not follow it (a control command) or they can simply unlike it.

FB also offers more opportunities for businesses and dealers to reach
out to millions of people.....I have yet to see any meteorite dealer
take advantage of this
and it truly is a way to grow a business.  They all must be making too
much now to bother with that!!! ;)  Just a thought...sometimes a
business owner or manager
needs to step back a bit from their perception of what is and actually
run their business as a business, if they want to grow (Business 102).

The bottom line is this.

Email Lists are very limited in features.  They hold you captive on who
sees what you post and what you see other post (excluding filter you set
in your software)
FaceBook fixes that.

As far as the NSA bs, that's what it is.  If they want to know about
you, they do and don't think they don't!  If you have that much to hide,
you should not have any
electronic means of communications that is tied to a network. It's just
silly to think that way.  What's really funny about that some
of my friends that could
actually have something to hide...are closer to true outlaws as can be
(top dogs in the 1% world)....are on FB.  So this NSA stuff is simply
silly perception.

I am by no means saying email lists are bad, I enjoy this one minus all
the ads...but I have filters employed!
On 3/14/2014 6:09 PM, Anne Black wrote:
I cannot see Ruben's page either. And here is what I don't understand:

A few weeks ago someone posted a link to NASA's Facebook page, I was
glad of that because I could finally look at a professionally done
monitored page and see what Facebook could really be like when well
done. Well, I looked at NASA's page at length, and I was very
disappointed by the amount of garbage posted there (idiotic comments,
crazy theories, and more), but at least I could read it. And I can
also read Meteorite-Exchange's page (much cleaner, how do you do that

But I cannot read Ruben's page. Why not?

Anne M. Black

Jim Wooddell


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