Hi Art,

I completely support your advertising requirements, and Thank You for finding a way to keep your forum to continue. One thing I would like to suggest, please accept payment by check as PayPal will take their fees from you and I really do not like that!!

Best Regards,

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-----Original Message----- From: Art Jones
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 7:49 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] New paid Ad program for the mailing list - starts4/7/2014

Good Evening;

If you never advertise on the list you can disregard this email! If you do advertise please read below:

Beginning Monday, April 7, 2014 I will be implementing a paid advertising program for the Meteorite Mailing List. I've been working on a program like this for quite a while now but have been struggling with the best way to do it. I think I've come up with an approach that's both simple and affordable. My goal isn't to make a lot of money, but rather to cover the costs associated with Meteorite Mailing List and the related websites. I'd also like to cut down on the total number of Ads that appear on the list on any given day, which I think is better in the long run for both advertisers and subscribers (i.e. improve the signal to noise ratio). Hopefully this new program will improve everyone's list experience.

Here's how it will work
Ads can be purchased one at a time or in bulk, and payment can be made through PayPal. The 1 Ad per week limit and the current policy regarding no image attachments will remain (see policies below). I am considering allowing images under a certain and also some type of Ad credit for relevant posts but I need to work on those ideas a bit more. Also, as the majority of members aren't dealers, but may want to sell something every now and then, everyone will be provided with 2 Ad credits (free ads) to be used during the year.

Meteorite List Ad Rates
- One-off Advertising cost
   * Per Ad price - $4 via PayPal

- Bulk Advertising options (Pre-paid Ads)
   * 12 ads
          $35 - Single payment via PayPal ($2.92 per ad)
   * 52 ads
          $125 - Single payment via PayPal ($2.40 per ad)

Payment won't be required before a One-off Ad is placed, but should be made within 1 day. Payment for the Bulk Ad options is expected prior to placing the first Ad. I'll be adding a page to the Meteorite Central website with payment links each option listed above.

Mailing List ad-related policies
    - 1 Ad per week limit
    - Plain text emails only
    - No image attachments
    - 60k email size limit
    - 2 Ad credits per member (to be used during the year)
- Failure to pay for Ads placed on the list will result in member removal.

Please feel free to send me an off-list email if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions.

Best Regards and Happy Hunting/Collecting!

- Art

Art Jones
Meteorite Central

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