That's funny, Anne,

The John Deer tractor is taking care of the ranches. Some of the roads have not been graded for over 30 years and need to be bladed. The only digging will be to put in new fence posts and possibly reactivate a dormant hot spring or two so we that we can take a soak in the middle of winter while stargazing.

There are enough surface finds to keep me entertained and no need to the dig out an early man site in my opinion. There are patches of desert pavement in the area where Paleo era items have been found with no excavation needed.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Anne Black" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Updates on The Hupe Collection

I am stunned. A front loader with blade and backhoe!  really?????
Do you really mean to excavate those ancient sites on your ranches with
a front-end loader and a blade?

And this is coming from you, Adam?????  You have always been the one
who insisted that all meteorites be studied and who made sure that your
meteorites would be studied by the top experts in the field of
Meteoritics. Ancient sites are no different than meteorites, they must
be studied by experts too, in this case professional archaeologists. If
you do not know anyone in that field I would be glad to help, I happen
to know the Head of the Archaeology Department of the University of
Colorado, and his specialty is the American South-West. I would gladly
ask him to recommend someone in Nevada who could help you and advise

I truly hope that I misunderstood your post, otherwise I would be
truly, deeply disappointed by your decisions.

Anne M. Black

-----Original Message-----
From: Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
To: meteorite-list <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 9, 2014 1:38 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Updates on The Hupe Collection

Dear List Members,

The subject came up about me getting out of dealing meteorites and the
disposition of my stockpile.

I have no plans of preparing any more of my meteorite inventory for
My stockpile will remain in safe deposit boxes and safes until I can
reevaluate what to do with it.  Perhaps, I will have a one-time fire
late next Fall if I am in need of more write-offs or turn the entire
inventory over to a reputable and honest dealer for liquidation

My enjoyment comes from searching for meteorites, rare minerals, relics
artifacts on private property so I have been busy researching this.   I
acquired three ranches this year, plan on searching them and
private properties, with owner permission of course.  This will give me
several square kilometers to search without any hassle.  There is a
gold mine a 1,000 or so meters away from the "Area 52" ranch, which was
most recent acquisition.  There is a creek running through the property
who knows what I will find. The first ranch I picked up named "Ancient
Echoes" has what appears to be ancient ruins (square structures and
scatter) on it so perhaps there will be an early man site near one of
hot springs.  And finally the third ranch, which has yet to be named,
has an
early man site near a forked spring and is close to a massive
dry lake bed that is half privately-owned so this one will be fun to

I am in need of a John Deer tractor with front loader, blade box and
attachments and some well-drilling equipment.  Perhaps I can trade some
planetary material for these items.

I changed my eBay store name from RareMeteorites! to
I will still maintain a store instead of auctions since it can be
on a moments notice if I am in need of field-time for fun. My plans are
sell over $1,000,000.00 in legally obtained, well papered artifacts and
reinvest the funds in more real-estate. The long-term capitol gains tax
real-estate is almost half of that of meteorites and other collectables.

I have about a quarter million dollars worth of artifacts currently
in my store if you are curious to see them.  It is my hopes to have
over a
million dollars worth listed in the store by this Fall and then be done
messing with eBay.

Here is a link with my new eBay name if you are interested in seeing a
fraction of what I will be offering in the way of artifacts:

I wish everybody the very best.   I hope to see some of you in the
once it cools down a little bit here in Mohave Desert.



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