Dear List,

If you decide to participate please send the answered interview questions to me privately.

Thank you,


On 7/12/2014 10:43 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
Hi Paul and List,

Nobody in their right mind cares about my involvement in meteorites,
but for giggles, here goes :

1.  What or who got you interested in meteorites and how old were you
when you got your first meteorite?

Back in late 2006, Bob King was selling some meteorites on Astromart
and I bought a few of them.  The rest is history.   So, I credit Bob
for getting me started.  Or, some of you can blame him for bringing me
in.  LOL.

2.  What was your first meteorite?

A small NWA 4293 (H6) individual.

3.   Do you still have it?

Yes I do and I would never sell it at any price.

4.   Do you have special areas of interest that you focus on in
regards to meteorites (thin sections, photography, chemistry, age
dating..  etc)?

I am interested in the processes of weathering and terrestrialization.

5.   Does your Family share in your interest in meteorites?

No, they think I have rocks in my head.

6.   Do you have any special approaches to collecting? (Type
collection, only stones, only irons, only by aesthetics, etc. or any
and all that you like.)

Falls of any kind, rare types, and unusual/anomalous specimens.

7.  Do you mind saying how many locations your collection represents?

About 120 localities.

8.  Is your collection displayed or kept in a dry box or both?

They are kept in a climate-controlled cabinet.

9.   In what ways do you use your computer for meteorites. (met-list,
Social Media, meteorite research, shopping, etc)

All of the above.

10.  Do you ever hunt for meteorites?

No, I have never broken my meteorite-hunting cherry.  Although I am
constantly on the lookout for them while hiking or beach-combing, I
know my chances of a cold find at the beach or in the Florida woods is

11.  What is your favorite meteorite in your collection?

My little NWA 4293 pebble, because it got me started.

12.  What is your favorite overall if it is not the one above?

My Chelyabinsk pieces - the most significant fall of the 21st century (IMO).

13.  What makes these of special interest?

Change a single variable and an entire city would have been flattened
by Chelyabinsk. This fall has shown us the importance of early
detection of incoming space rocks.

14.  What meteorites are currently on your wish list?

NWA 7034, Kakangari, St. Louis, Thiel Mountains, a large Gujba slice,
Sutter's Mill, a witnessed fall lunar when one finally happens,
Australite flanged button, Wabar pearl, and any meteorite with an
interesting story behind it.

15.  What methods have been most successful in building your
collection? (Buying at shows, from dealers by mail, auctions on the
web,   trading... etc)

Dealers through the mail and trades.

16.  Which Shows do you attend?

No major shows, just some small local rock and fossil shows in Florida.

17.   Do you also collect related materials like impact glasses,
breccias, melts, tektites, shocked fossils, native iron rocks etc?

Yes to all of the above.  I especially like Moldavite, LDG, and
unusual tektites/impactites.

18.  Do you prepare any of your own specimens? (cut, polish, etch, etc.)

Yes, I cut and polish stones.  I have never etched an iron yet.

19.  Have you had to take any special measures to protect them from
the environment?

I try to curate my specimens carefully - minimal handling,
climate/humidity control, and secure storage.  I do not openly display
any specimens.

Best regards,



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