Several times recently individuals have posted pictures to the List, but I have been unable to view them, specifically when the pictures originate from Yahoo. I keep getting the message "This page is unavailable for viewing at this time." I use Hotmail to subscribe to the List; is there something about Hotmail that would prevent me from viewing Yahoo pages via a Hotmail link?

Tracy Latimer

From: "chris sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Steve Schoner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bessy's specks and Intel's "play microscope"
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 10:17:00 +1000

| SaU90 a Martian meteorite.
| Here are the results:
| At 10x
| At 60x
| Great microscope for these very small specks, not even
| a mm in size as the scale shows.
| Hard to say what they are, though I will have to trust
| Dean and be sure not to lose the label.

Thanks for the pictures Steve, looks like a shergotite to my eyes.

I got one of the Intel microscopes, they work well. The kids enjoy it
too. :}

What would be useful, is a way to set your white point for a
particular setup, which would avoid the greenish tint from a fluoro or

regards to all

chris sharp

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