hi all
 rachid , 
u have made huge mistakes and u are still making mistakes, every time u act u 
do mistakes, not only that but u disinfom fact into story , while u have to 
stay to your commitment and the ethic of selling and buying,

 trying to hide your failure and noexperience in dealing  by throwing your 
problems on other is awful and egoist , 
>while u could behave to do the right thing u attack people that helped u, and 
>god know i spent two weeks of stress and blood pressure and many dealer was 
>with me, sbai ashamed,, naji ali , and faycal , qjan.

>u have two problem and big mistakes, one is about your ethics of sales and buy 
> ,and other one is by putting yours trust on a cohort of abominable crabs.that 
>are not dealers, known 
>all this would not have happened if it was not greed that blind your eyes and 
>mind, greed greed and u didn't make the mistake to give someone's money to crab
>first ,the ethic,
>your problem  where you say the 1345 gr was stolen is not true and this is lie 
>from u rachid, not only lie but its a crime to say a stone is stolen while his 
>owner did nothing to you,  by telling its stolen on fb and imca ,you steal his 
>right to sell his own  stone to whom he want,  and this why the owners of the 
>1345 didn't want to sell to you,and they state they never knew you, all they 
>know is that they sent photo to many people and your cohort get a photo and a 
>like many did,
>so u state that this lunar is stolen and u do not have the right to say so, 
>its not ethical, because u did that in order to make everybody scared from 
>buying it and than u could have it for the price you want,greed,  and this 
>again is a crime , we call chantage, or they sell  to you the stone or they 
>are thieves , they are not , meanwhile
>you bought a really stolen iron 36 kilos cut in half from 55 kilos iron taza  
>for ,3 cents a gr while we buy taza for 1 to 1.5 dollar, and god know the pain 
>the owner the nomad feel when he was stolen his 55 kilos and its cut to hide 
>the weight , as we made sur me and many dealer to advertise it as stolen in fb 
>, and the only way for them to sell was to cut it , mike bought 13 kilos  cut 
>taza without knowing it was stolen, but you, you bought while u know it was,as 
>no one morrocan dealer want to buy it , no one, except you it stayed with the 
>resellers long time , look at this story on fb, one year in meteorite group, 
>and god know to whom you sell it,
>secondly on ethics , you sold a stone that was not on your hand, using trust 
>of a usa friend and go gambling with his money and  you give the money to your 
>cohort of friend  which are not trustworthy, and i did warn you and faycal and 
>qjan warn you, and you didn't listen to us until you felt in trouble, is this 
>right or I'm lying 
>to gamble with trust of our friends is huge mistake and to sell a stone with 
>photo of stone u never saw is  irresponsible,
>when this guys asked to give them money to bring you the stone you could have 
>gone with them to get the stone , but stupidly you trust them and u just give 
>them someone  else money,
>they  can look for excuses, they never met with owners and they just run with 
>the money ,
>September 7 while i was driving to casablanca, u called me crying and i decide 
>to help you, and i regret now….
>and i did put pression me and sbai ahmed and many guys on your cohort  and god 
>know what i have done to them to be scared and you got part of your money, u 
>never said to me thanks,
>than i asked to you to buy the stone and i brought  the son of the owners to 
>agadir and i signed black and white a contract with them and give them 20000 
>dirhams based on a deal of a week u have to drive and go see them and give 
>them the rest of money ,i have video of that and photo and witnesses, i have 
>all thing done by photo contract and witness i was careful for your problem 
>more than you.
> you drives to layoune and called the owners after i gives you there phone 
> number, and you have done a huge mistake again , you offer them  80 k while i 
> a greed with them on 105 k, that is greed ,greed greed,
>i told u on the phone and  wrote an email i have copy ,, get the stone before 
>someone else do, u told me , exactly , your words, nobody will buy it as it is 
>advertised as stolen, and that you are also scared to give them money  , you 
>paralyzed from the chock, and you drives back scared to loose the huge amount 
>of money that was with you, and you decided they have to come to agadir or let 
>them go.
>you are not responsible at this moment you were thinking about yourself , not 
>the owners and not the buyer that gives u his trust and money,  you taught you 
>had time,and the owners coundnt sell it and this was a big mistake to 
>underestimate nomad,,, at this point they decided to never sell to you at any 
>price, you burned the contract i did with them and the y start looking for 
>back home you went teaching and god know how many calls i did to you over 200 
>calls to help encourage you , support you, telling my fb friends tell rachid 
>to go get the stone , and no way each time i call you,, you tell me you will 
>think about it , and you prefer to loose 47 k than to loose 105 k, 
>and i did told you, i will go to buy it for you, i stayed one week more in 
>agadir sent my son to start school by bus sent my father and mother by 
>airplane  , to stay to help you,
>you told me you are brining money to me saturday and i wook up sunday and went 
>to your brother house ,i still have photo and video and your brother told me u 
>didn't make it to agadir  because of rain storm , i have also photo and video
>on this rainy   day, 
>i went to gulimim this rainy day , at 5 am at 7 pm you called me and you state 
>you have money and you bring it to me to gulimim, i said ok,
>me and ali naji your friend we are waiting you to come with us to layoune to 
>get the stone  , you told me u have school and they are going to fire you if 
>you do not teach  monday, what irresponsible you are,
>i went to sbai  ahmed house to take him  with me to layoune ,  and he told me 
>that  your cohort of friends are waiting for me and if i do not give them 20 k 
>, they will not let me take the stone. who told them I'm going to layoune and 
>give them my phone number, you only know i was heading there.
>i went to drink a coffee me and ahmed sbai and ali naji, and i did got 3 phone 
>calls from your cohort friend menacing me, ali and ahmed advised  me to make 
>it back home  for my safety and i called you and you told me you are going to 
>talk to them ,
>and u know them or one of them ,
>after that i got tired and i have left my daughter without school and was 
>under pressure stressed phone calls emails, all the day,
>you told me you are going your self to layoune and i did wait more for you , 
>no way  , today .next day ..an other day ,until the man who gives you money 
>want his money and he told me  he do not want this stone anymore, 
>and you told me yourself you do not want it and you told mohamed sbai you do 
>not want it , and i sent the man his  money,
>ok i called mohamed sbai  before he got the stone and big him to give you the 
>stone for a good price, and mohamed sbai was honorable and asked you to pay 
>him 5 k more  and you told him no,
>he asks you to send him money to buy for you the stone you said no, 
> at this point i told sbai there is no hope and if you do not buy the stone 
> someone else will do and he did and my god what the hell he crossed to get 
> this stone ,
>he was back in agadir after two days and he come to see me in the coffee where 
>i have drink near the beach and i was with faycal, and he told me he got the 
>stone  and immediately i asked him to give to our American friends 
>he told me aziz what ever you want, he was really honorable,
>i called our friends and accept to buy the stone and he asked me to convince 
>sbai to share profit with rachid 
>i convince sbai ,,me and faycal to do this and he accept, and you got 16000 
>dollars help from us,rachid not 12000, this also lie,
>the story is longer but this is to make it short, bottom line everybody in 
>morocco and many dealers know i didn't make a profit in this stone , i lost 
>time and money helping rachid that doesn't deserve it
>well sbai ahmed is alive and sbai mohamed , and ali naji and qjan and faycal 
>and many guys know all the truth, and any one can ask them the truth,
>i have done the right thing to do ,i helped you rachid and support you and 
>after all this you become ungrateful and egoist , and you try to make my name 
>dirty, and try to hide between story,
> and let me tell you this ,
>all this would not have happened if it was not greed that blind your eyes and 
>mind, greed greed, and you didn't give someone lee money to this cohort,
>thats  fact i have phone calls register and contract regestired and email and 
>if any one do not believe something , 
>make a committee of four trustworthy collector and i will forward them email 
>video photo and all,
>  u need witness 
>email sbail ahmed and naji ali and faycal and qjan, 
>and i will not forget when i asked you to write to imca and to say the stone 
>is not stolen immediately you answered   ,,no ….if you do ,every body can buy 
>it , what ,,,, why not ,
>why holding a stone as a hostage when its not yours, thats a crime against 
>this old nomad that found the stone and deserve the right price,,……………..
>have happy holy days, got tired from this interminable story,
>and thats my last words on it

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