this an email from the archives on 4 may 2014,
the day i bought the 5890 gr

mr aid trying to destroy my deal with my customers by telling everybody there 
is lot more to make my customers scarred,
so mr rachid and aid , is this good or bad behavior,
 and is  this lie to tell something is similar to 5890 gr when its not,
so mr aid here u look like a liar, do u have anything similar to 5890 or you 
just live  by lie, 

ethic, u know nothing to ethic , u are so jealous and u do bad competition

go ,,,,, habibis name has been built with honor and work, not with blabla. 

[meteorite-list] 3 kg lunar like 5 890g
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From: Meteorite Collectors and Hunters Mailing List 
Date: Sun, 4 May 2014 13:12:46 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <> 

hello lister 

i have 3 kg like 5890 g of lunar? see this lien : at N07/ 
if you are interested please contact me in this address email azawadino at 

best regards.... 



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