Amino acids have been found in the following meteorites of which I'm aware:

Murray (CM2)
Murchison (CM2)
Tagish Lake (C2 ungrouped)
Almahata Sitta (anomalous ureilite)
Sutter's Mill (CM2)
Allan Hills 77306 (CM2)
Allan Hills 83100 (CM2)
Asuka 88120 (CM2)
Asuka 881334 (CM2)
Lewis Cliffs 90500 (CM2)
Lone Wolf Nunataks 94102 (CM2)
Yamato 74662 (CM2)
Yamato 791198 (CM2) - most amino-acid-rich meteorite known
Yamato 793321 (CM2)
Belgica 7904 (CM2)
Orgueil (CI1)
Ivuna (CI1)

I am sure there are others that I have missed.  --Rob

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