Hi All,
        Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
        As some of you know, I grow exotic plants, have a
Greenhouse, etc. 
        Unfortunately, CA is THE worst state when it comes
To importing plants.
        I have taken to growing cuttings of Plumeria - the
Tropical plant that produces the flowers used in Hawaii for
Leis. There are some very exciting hybrids being grown in
Thailand. However, though all of the other 49 states allow
Importation, CA refuses - even though all cuttings have been
Submerged in malathion for 30 minutes, have a governmental
Declaration of same and no creature or fungus or the like could
Ever survive even a 30 second dunk in the stuff.
        So, what I need is a friend on the list who is willing to receive
Shipping and re-box them and send to me Registered Mail.
        Of course, I will pay all costs and get the person
Free Priority Mail boxes and prepaid shipping labels
So they do not have to stand in line at the post office or
Anything like that. Just sign for the package, slip it in
The Priority Mail box, print the prepaid label and drop
It off at a post office without waiting in line.
        This needs to be someone in a state other than CA
And is home to sign for the boxes when they arrive (a few times).
        If anyone is willing to do this for me I will cover all expenses
And express my gratitude with a nice meteorite specimen.
        Please contact me off list and change the subject box
So it does not read "Meteorite List"
        Thanks for your consideration, Michael


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