Team Meteorite:

Almost two years ago I solicited you to guess the average retail price
for the then-new Chelyabinsk LL5 fall, as calculated for my next 'The
Global Meteorite Price Report - 2015'.

The report will be available momentarily, but....

We have a winner.

I calculate that the average dealer sale price for average specimens
of Chelyabinsk is $24.85/gm based on eight dealer websites as of
mid-November, 2014.

Both Larry Adkins and Linda Barany guessed $30, and those guessing
lower than $24.85 weren't closer.

So we had to go to the tie-breaker!

Larry predicted that there would be twelve dealers and Linda hoped for

Congratulations, Larry.

Your copies of the pdf price report, which I will offer world-wide
either tomorrow or Saturday, along with an electronic pdf - file copy
of my book "The Art of Collecting Meteorites" will be on its way to
you attached to separate emails no later than Sunday night. And Larry,
if you have a 'hard copy' already, send me someone else's email
address and I will send the eBook to them in your name as a gift.

Thanks to all that entered. There is a little more joyful back-story
about the Chelyabinsk contest entrees in the upcoming report, which
has been expanded to pricing out 264 meteorites and 52 generic
classifications for a total of 316 sampling points. At 33 pages, by
far the biggest 'issue' yet, it will enlighten, entertain, and likely
save you money on your next meteorite purchase.

It is full of photos of people, places and.... meteorites :>)

I've added essays on the Campo del Cielo strewn field questioning the
origins of 'new Campos' and am including a chapter dedicated only to
Mars and Lunar price trends.

I have also included warnings about certain common NWA's being sold as
certain (expensive) historic meteorites.

Unlike the stock exchange, or Blue Books for cars or price sheets for
stamps or coins, there is nothing published anywhere showing current
or historic prices for meteorites - except for this report, which I've
done every two years since 2004, maintaining the same statistical
methodology, actually refining it over the years.

I hope you will agree that it is a bargain at $15. I think it is good
for everyone, not just dealers, to know the current market prices of
different meteorites, along with where they have been and in which
direction they are going. You will be surprised.

Stay tuned as I hope today to finalize the report's transmission logistics....

Kevin Kichinka
Rio del Oro, Santa Ana, Costa Rica

'The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2015' - coming up next
'The Art of Collecting Meteorites' available on

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