Yes, I proposed the idea to Louis Moinet about a watch with a lunar face using NWA 5000 which actually looks like the Moon. They copied my Jules Verne portal design and name after I provided them with images of the first slice of NWA 5000. The first complete slice of NW 5000 was mounted in a custom machined case which looked like a portal. I renamed the piece from the "Jules Verne Slice" to the "Ambassador Slice" after being plagiarized by this watch company. They named their first lunar watch the "Jules Verne" and even had a mini-portal in the side of it to view a tiny cheap piece of a Dhofar lunar meteorite.

Dhofar lunar specimens were the least expensive at the time and yet they want millions of dollars for the watches.

How original?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Shawn Alan via Meteorite-list" <>
To: "Meteorite Central" <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 6:43 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Most expensive watches of the year - Meteoritewatch priced over 4M.

Hello Listers

For those of you looking for the must have item for Xmas, look no
further (:


Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633
ebay store

Most expensive watches of the year

"THERE’S NOTHING that conveys your financial status more than what you
wear on your wrist. The world of luxurious timepieces has expanded in
recent times as technology, innovation and ornamentation combine to
produce watches that are truly unique and spell class and elegance apart
from money. Notably, the brand that features the most is Patek
Phillippe, but not as number one. Venture Capital Post has listed the 10
most expensive watches sold across the globe in 2014:

Louis Moinet Meteoris watch: The history attached to this watch is what
makes it so valuable. Designer Moinet decided to use pieces of
meteorites to make a set of watches. He collaborated with meteorite
hunter Luc Labenne to collect pieces from the moon, a Mars meteorite and
an asteroid. The result was the creation of four extremely rare
tourbillon watches worth over $4.5 million each."


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