Hi Bulletin Watchers,

There is one new approval, a ureilite found in Colorado in 2006.

Link : http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=61353

Write-up text :

Sawtooth Mountain        38°20’46"N, 106°57’41”W
Colorado, United States
Found: 2006
Classification: Ureilite

History: This meteorite was found by Eldon Surbeck in the summer of
2006. He was hunting for fossils on a shale exposure/talus slope when
he noticed a stone that looked out of place sitting on the outcrop. He
picked it up and took it home thinking that it might be a meteorite.

Physical characteristics: Single stone, oriented. Dark weathered
fusion crust covered exterior with rind ~3 mm thick. A saw cut reveals
dark polycrystalline texture with many thin, macroscopic, graphite
grains, some up to 4 mm long.

Petrography: (C. Agee, UNM) Examination of a polished mount shows
polygonal olivine and pigeonite grains (300-1000 μm) with triple
junctions. Most olivines have fine Fe-metal blebs on grain boundaries
and along fractures. Ubiquitous graphite, often as elongate mm-size
domains. Fe-metal and oxidized metal occupying most silicate grain
boundaries. Chromite is present.
Geochemistry: (C. Agee and N. Muttik, UNM) Olivine Fa24.9±3.0,
Fe/Mn=55±9, Cr2O3=0.46±0.01, n=15; pigeonite Fs20.8±0.1Wo11.8±0.1,
Fe/Mn=33±2, Cr2O3=1.07±0.01 wt%, n=10.

Classification: Achondrite (ureilite)

Specimens: 21.8 g including a probe mount on deposit at UNM, Reed
holds the main mass.


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