"If the planets had a beginning, then either they must have formed
from pieces of matter in an unconsolidated and chaotic state, which
had been dispersed throughout a vast space before gravitational
attraction gathered them into large masses; or else new planetary
bodies have been formed from the fragments of much larger ones that
were broken to pieces, either by some external impact or by an
internal explosion ... it seems likely that many of these original
pieces would not have joined the larger accumulating planets, because
they were too far from them or travelling at excessive velocities, but
would have remained independent ... continuing their journeys in space
until each entered the sphere of attraction of some planet, whereupon
it would fall, giving rise to the meteoritic phenomenon."

-- E.F.F. Chladni (1794)

(From "Ueber den Ursprung der von Pallas gefunden und anderer
ihrahnlicher Eisenmassen und uber einige damit in Verbindung stehende
Naturerscheinungen", J.F. Hartknoch, Riga)

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