Dear Anne

Thank you for the information. I will not be able to come this year due to 
other commitments, but I am intending to come in 2016, where I hope to speak, 
if it can be arranged, about a forthcoming exhibition I am developing to 
celebrate the Centenary of the Strathmore Meteorite fall.


Peter Davidson
Senior Curator of Mineralogy

Natural Sciences Department
National Museums Collection Centre
242 West Granton Road
TEL: 0131 247 4283

-----Original Message-----
From: Meteorite-list [] On 
Behalf Of Anne Black via Meteorite-list
Sent: 31 March 2015 02:58
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ensisheim news

Hello everybody,

Zelimir does read his emails including mine a few days ago, but he is still 
having difficulties responding, so here is what he has been meaning to tell you.

Any questions, please email him directly, but if you do not get an answer, do 
let me know.
Anne Black

(March 30, 2015)

Dear Meteorite-Central List, IMCA members and all meteorite friends,

On March 28, Anne Black wrote:
To answer Pierre-Marie, and anyone who might be worried, I checked with the 
Ensisheim team, everything is getting prepared as usual, no problems at all. 
Zelimir is very busy, traveling a lot and not always within sight of a 
computer, but no worries.

The Ensisheim Show will happen as usual. This year:  From June 19 to 21.
See you there.
Anne was perfectly right and she pertinently summarized the facts: very busy 
times, frequent travelling, scarce computer connections, that was it.
However, there was another major factor that prevented me from officially 
giving you the 2015 show news. It was linked to a series of uncertainties 
regarding the real possibility for us to even be able to continue to organize 
the event! 

All started with a long time decision of Jean-Marie Blosser to retire from the 
head of the brotherhood. 
His decision was soon followed by the consequent withdrawal of the other 3 
permanent members of the brotherhood Grand Council (except myself) and 
therefore by the predictable disappearance of the “St George Brotherhood of the 
Ensisheim Meteorite Guardians” during the course of 2015. 
As a logical consequence, the very continuation to organize the Ensisheim 
Meteorite Show, at least under the auspices of the brotherhood, had to be 

Fortunately, the Meteorite belongs to the Ensisheim City Hall authorities. 
When I contacted the city mayor to inquire whether they wish to continue to 
organize the meteorite shows in his city, he fully agreed that we rapidly meet. 
And indeed, we promptly agreed to decide that “the show MUST go on”! 

It took us another few weeks to embody the decision by rebuilding a new team, 
by envisaging a new logistics strategy and by setting up a few provisional new 
rules for this forthcoming 2015 show edition, before we create a new 
brotherhood (or any other kind of official association) for 2016 and the years 
to come.

Now that everything is clarified again, I dare to apologize for being so late 
in providing show news and in replying only now to those who inquired for show 
details or who wanted to make sure their usual tables are duly reserved 
(Pierre-Marie in particular).

Please find here down preliminary news concerning this “a little special” 16th 
edition of our meteorite show “Ensisheim-Meteorite 2015”. 

When compared to the last year’s show editions, the changes are very minor. 

The place (Regency Palace in Ensisheim), the dates (the week preceding the Ste 
Marie show, namely from Friday June 19 to Sunday June 21, 2015), as well as the 
usual hall table arrangements remain unchanged. 

The total number of dealer tables remains limited to 59 (53 “regular” and 6 
“window-tables” in the consignment room). All tables are equal in size (160 x 
80 cm). Price per table (not per meter), as in 2015, namely: 1 table = 155 
euro; 2 tables = 300 euro; 3 tables = 430 euro; 4 tables = 560 euro….) 

All past dealers/guests have full priority to reserve their last year table(s). 
Those who did not come last year (2014) had lost their priority and should be 
considered as “newcomers”. 

For the 2015 booking, we encourage our regular guests to do that ASAP, 
preferably before the end of April 2015 (slightly flexible deadline). However, 
if you already had reserved “implicitly” or “think that you have reserved”, 
please apply again and confirm (or cancel) your table. This is needed so as to 
fit the new 2015 administrative requirements.

The organizers will attribute to the newcomers the layout of places within any 
of the 3 halls in the most appropriate way so as to meet as many wishes as 
possible. Note that the 3 halls are all equivalent, as the public must 
inevitably walk through. 
Tables are attributed to newcomers, as always, on a “first come, first served” 

Please if you are a regular guest but can’t come this year, be kind and notify 
us ASAP for your canceling so that we can rent your stall to those who are on a 
waiting list.

For table reservation, just E-mail me at: “Zelimir” <>

To avoid money transfer complications and bank fee, we accept you pay the table 
renting, cash.  Tables are to be paid on Saturday morning between 7:30 and 9:30 
to the treasurer, at the reception desk visible from the entrance door of the 
Regency building. Please prepare cash (preferred), though French checks are 
tolerated. Credit Cards are NOT accepted.

To pay, the dealers must wear (or ask for) their badges that are attributed on 
the following basis: 1 table reserved = 1 or 2 badges attributed; 2 tables, up 
to 3 badges; 3 tables, up to 4 badges, etc. 

If more people are officially part of a table team, they can either be 
considered as “public” and pay 4 euro as regular entrance fee, or pay 10 euro 
that includes the entrance and a badge. For this being possible, I’ll need very 
soon the full names of all the dealers and the accompanying persons, so we can 
write the corresponding badges in time.
People without badges are not considered as dealers, can’t occupy tables, nor 
are allowed to sell meteorites elsewhere within the buildings or on the Regency 

Maps and traveling indications could be found soon on the Ensisheim City web 

The nearby hotels remain "Domaine du Moulin", “Les Loges de l’Ecomusée », 
"Niemerich" and "Cheval Blanc". 
More info about their location and characteristics (phone, fax, e-mail, web 
sites) are given on the official show flyer that will be ready in a couple of 
weeks. The flyer can be sent as mail attachment upon request or consulted on 
the city web site.

IMPORTANT: everybody must arrange for his own accommodation! 
If you call, they all do speak English and German. 
Note: I recently checked that those who already anticipatively reserved their 
rooms in the “Domaine du Moulin” have their reservations confirmed.

Friday June 19 is the "DEALER’S DAY" devoted for tables/booth set up. 
The Regency halls are exclusively open (13:30 – 18.00) to dealers wearing their 
badges, and NOT to the public. 
Note that dealers can also install their tables on Saturday morning (7:30 – 
9:30) after having collected their badges at the reception desk (entrance of 
the Regency palace) and paid their tables to the cashier present on the desk, 
prior to climb the stairs. 

On Friday, after the Regency rooms closure (18:00 sharp), gathering on the main 
square in front of the Regency is scheduled for dealers and invited persons for 
about 18:15, to attend the welcome addresses and to enjoy the traditional 
welcome drink. 
Note that the enthroning ceremonies are exceptionally cancelled this year. They 
will be revived in 2016 when the new association (or brotherhood) is created 
and the status of previous years enthroned guardians will be standardized along 
with the new status redefined in 2016.

The traditional FRIDAY DINNER PARTY is maintained and starts at 20:00 inside 
the large tent set in on the Regency square. Needless to insist it is more than 
recommended and everybody (organizers, dealers, lecturers, public and all their 
friends…) is warmly welcome! 
If you want to attend, a reservation is a must. Just let me know (for June 10 
at the latest) the names of the persons interested and their menu selection (to 
be specified later) so that we can fully meet all your commitments, needs and 

The SATURDAY DINNER (not official) traditionally takes place inside the large 
tent set in the Regency square or anywhere around. Details and menus will be 
provided in due time.
Just foresee to be around the Regency square after dinner, where music and 
dance is what you could need the most to start relaxing after the first “hard” 
meteorite day…


•       SHOW THEME: “Meteorites: witnesses of extraterrestrial life ?” 

Two lectures are scheduled (in French, but lecturers also speak English)

1) "Between Murchison and Gewürtztraminer - what differentiates organic 
molecules coming from these Worlds ?"
(Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin(*), Régis Gougeon, Mourad Harir, Norbert Hertkorn, 
Alexander Ruf & Zelimir Gabelica; lecture on Saturday June 20, 11:00)

(*) “Phil”, enthroned guardian, French/Alsacian native, is director of the 
Research unit “Analytical BioGeoChemistry”, at the Helmholtz Zentrum, Munich, 
and Professor at the Technische Universität Muenchen in Analytical Food 

2) “Did life on Earth originate from the skies ?” 
(by Dominique Padirac(*); lecture on Sunday June 21, 11:00)

(*) Dominique, enthroned guardian, professor of biology, is also authoring 
numerous popular pamphlets and articles in mainstream scientific press (“La 
Recherche”, “Sciences & Avenir”….)


This year, we invite ALL OF YOU to participate by displaying in the Regency 
museum showcases what you consider as the “best of the best” of your meteorite 
samples from your collection. “Best” can be subjective and is left at your full 
appreciation or evaluation. It can deal with aesthetics, rarity, oddity, 
origin… Select up to 5 samples (no more), describe them and mention the 
characteristics that you consider worth the selection. 
Just send me in time some informal label with the meteorite name, size, weight, 
characteristics and reason why you believe it is worth the competitive display. 
I’ll have to translate it in French in a uniformed label and, as this can be a 
demanding job, please send me your label write-up drafts before, say, June 10. 
We can also organize a contest with public votes and reward the 3 best samples.


With warmly welcoming everybody to attend this special 16th in a row meteorite 
show in Ensisheim, the mythic world meteorite place, I am now expecting to 
receive news from many of you and remain at your disposal to provide you with 
any kind of additional information.
Thank you for your interest,

My ever friendly wishes to everybody,



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