Hi Art,
        Nice to hear from you on this.
        Can you explain for us technologically nieve what "rich formatting"
        Thanks, Michael Blood

On 4/30/15 11:12 AM, "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>

> Hi Mike/List;
> It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don¹t use rich
> formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn¹t make it is due to
> the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of decreasing
> the possibility of virus transmission.
> see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these
> will be bounced)]
> Happy Hunting,  
> -Art
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On
> Behalf Of Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
> To: Larry Atkins
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes
> it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most
> others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my things in
> minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know.
> Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories were
> shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.
> Michael 
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
>> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for
>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was
>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a little
>> mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually
>> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to
>> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely
>> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the disconnect
>> is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of more
>> details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' that
>> I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a
>> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or
>> imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have to
>> give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
>> To: graham.ensor <graham.en...@gmail.com>; majbaermann <majbaerm...@web.de>
>> Cc: bernd.pauli <bernd.pa...@paulinet.de>; meteorite-list
>> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>; msgmeteorites
>> <msgmeteori...@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and
>> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look like
>> rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I
>> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture
>> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to
>> keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be
>> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a very
>> bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy,
>> and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne
>> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-----Original
>> Message-----From:Graham Ensor <graham.en...@gmail.com>To: Matthias
>> Bärmann<majbaerm...@web.de>Cc: Anne Black <impact...@aol.com>; Martin
>> Goff<msgmeteori...@gmail.com>; Greg Hupe <gmh...@centurylink.net>; Bernd V.
>> Pauli<bernd.pa...@paulinet.de>; meteorite
>> list<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12
>> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not venture
>> intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so easy to
>> use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new material...see
>> earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using
>> itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup
>> withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try
>> nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47
>> PM,MatthiasBärmann<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:>> I agree,
>> Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"> (whatever
>> thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, Matthias>>>> Am29.04.2015
>> um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:>>>> I'll have toagree
>> withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our
>> "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload.>>>>
>> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> about,
>> nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>>>>>>
>> AnneM.Black>> www.IMPACTIKA.com>>
>> impact...@aol.com>>>>>>-----OriginalMessage----->> From: Martin Goff
>> viaMeteorite-list<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>>> To:
>> GregHupé<gmh...@centurylink.net>>> Cc: Bernd V.
>> Pauli<bernd.pa...@paulinet.de>;meteorite-list>><meteorite-list@meteoritecentr
>> al.com>>> Sent: Wed, Apr 29,2015 2:15 pm>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list]
>> Awfully quiet>>>>>> HiBernd, Tracy, all.>>>>Most of my meteorite related chat
>> now occurs viaFacebook>> and this is>> whati observe from many others too.
>> Numerouspeople within>> our>> meteoritecommunity who were regular posters
>> here onthe metlist i now>> see>> postingdaily in the various facebook groups
>> andforums. I know>> it's not for>>everyone but i for one would certainly
>> feelas if i was>> missing out on the>>latest meteorite news and chat if I
>> werenot on>> Facebook.>>>> I have donequite a>> few posts over the lastyear
>> where i have>> submitted the same postvia various>> different forumsand
>> plarforms to>> try and see which generatedthe most>> conversation and ihave
>> to say>> Facebook won by huge margins everysingle>> time.>>>> Hopeto see you
>> on there maybe Bernd? Your experience andknowledge>> would>> behugely
>> beneficial to everyone there :-)>>>> Kindregards>>>>Martin>>>>>>>>>>>> On
>> 29>> April 2015 at 21:02, GregHupé>><meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
>> wrote:>> Hello Bernd andAll,>>>>>>Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been
>> talking with>>>>several friendsover>>>>>> the last few months about the
>> dramatic slowdown[from>>>>last two years] which>>>>>> has many contributing
>> factors, none ofwhich ispurely;>>>> MetList Forum,>>>>>> Facebook, Twitter or
>> any of theotheroutlets of info... almost>>>> a 'Quiet>>>>>> Before the
>> Storm'effect.It may be an indication of 'The Market'>>>> and/or>>>>>>
>> 'Supply&Demand' which has been very tough since 2008 and even
>> more>>>>since>>>>>>one year ago in 'my' experience and dealings. I should
>> look upat the>>>>sky>>>>>> and see if the birds are heading in an
>> odddirection for this timeof>>>>> year...>>>>>> Best
>> Regards,>>>Greg>>>>>>====================>>> Greg Hupé>>> The
>> Hupé>>>>Collection>>>>>>gmh...@centurylink.net>>> www.NaturesVault.net
>> (OnlineCatalog &>>>>Reference Site)>>>>>> www.LunarRock.com (Online
>> PlanetaryMeteoriteSite)>>>>> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest
>> &eBay)>>http://www.facebook.com/NaturesVault>>>>>>http://pinterest.com/Nature
>> sVault>>>IMCA>>>> 3163>>>>>>====================>>> Click here for my current
>> eBayauctions:>>>>>http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault>>>>>>>>>>>>--
>> ---OriginalMessage----->>>> From: Bernd V. Pauli via
>> Meteorite-list>>>>>>Sent:Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:34>>>>
>> PM>>>>>>To:meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>>>
>> Subject:[meteorite-list]Awfully>>>> quiet>>>>>>>>>> ...  or have
>> Ibeendropped?>>>>>>>>> Hello Tracy, Greg, List,>>>>>> No,>>>> youhaven'tbeen
>> dropped but the frequency of contributions>>>>>> hasdropped>>>>considerably.
>> Interestingly, the same phenomenon on>>>>>>Geoff's CSR forumand even>>>> on
>> our German forum.>>>>>> Best
>> fromGermany,>>>>>>Bernd>>>>>>>>>>>___________________________________________
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