In Re: The Holocene Start Impact Event and 
on September 10, 2015, E.P. Grondine wrote

"Hi Paul- thanks for your note.
Now, let me draw you a picture: "

The in above web page among various stuff, you stated:

"In the first of my notes, I speculated on the timing of 
the beginning of the Holocene Start Impact Event. In 
this note, I moved on to consider some possible 
physical evidence, and call attention to an earlier 
comment by David Ollen on the mechanics of large 
hypervelocity impacts onto ice sheet"

This refers to an article "Did A Massive Meteor Touch 
Down Here" by By Graham Mason in the Lloydminster 
Meridian Booster, which is at:

In the past, you have asked for my comments on this
feature, but I have been preoccupied with a geoarchaeological 
study of the Louisiana Continental Shelf and Slope for the
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, onshore geological 
mapping, and other projects. Having just got back from the 
field earlier than expected, I have had time to see what 
has been pubished about the geology of the Kitscoty, 
Alberta area in which this feature is located.

Fortunately, there exist decent, detailed geological maps of that 
part of Alberta, e.g. Crickmay et al. (1942) and (Glombick 2014a, 
2014b). Although there is an ovalish outcrop pattern, the 
comparison of these geological maps to local topographic maps 
found that this and other outcrop patterans are controlled by the 
local topography. The best that I can find, the local structure 
consists of gently dipping Cretaceous clastic strata that lack 
any discernable uplifts or any other structure that can be 
currently interpreted to be related to a major extraterrestrial 

If a person looks hard enough anywhere in the world he 
or she can find any number of enigmatic circular, oval, circular 
and curvilinear features of uncertain origin illustrated in
Gableman (1984) that are not related impact structures or 
craters. Of course, Gableman (1984) provides only one of
many explantions offered for these still mysterious features.

Buy the way, an interesting web page related to Alberta 
impact structures is:

Cypress Hills region - Bedrock Geology and Physiography
Astroblemes around the Cypress Hills (Eagle Butte structure)

A recently published open-access and interesting paper 
related to the Younger Dryas is:

Ancient Cold Period Could Provide Clues About Future 
Climate Change, University of Texas News, Sept. 2, 2015

Partin,, J. W., T. M. Quinn, C.-C. Shen, Y. Okumura, M. B. 
Cardenas, F. P. Siringan, J. L. Banner, K. Lin, H.-M. Hu, and
F. W. Taylor, 2015, Gradual onset and recovery of the 
Younger Dryas abrupt climate event in the tropics. Nature 
Communications 6, Article number: 8061 doi:10.1038/ncomms9061
Received 10 October 2014 Accepted 13 July 2015 
Published 02 September 2015
Abstract at :
PDF at:

References Cited

Crickmay, C. H., G. S. Hume, and C. O. Hage (1942) Kitscoty, 
Alberta. Geological Survey of Canada Map 673A. scale 
1:253,440. Geological Survey of Canada/Department of Mines. 
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Gableman, J. W. (1984) Circular Geomorphic Features 
Permissive to Interpretation as Conduits of Mantle Degasing.
Global Tectonics and Metallogeny. vol. 2, nos. 3 and 4,
pp. 151-168.

Glombick, P. M. (2014a) Bedrock Geology of the Vermillion Area,
Alberta (NTS 73E). AER/AGS Map 570. scale 1:250,000. Alberta 
Energy Regulator, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Glombick, P. M. (2014b) Bedrock Geology of the Wainwright Area,
Alberta (NTS 73E). AER/AGS Map 569. scale 1:250,000. Alberta 
Energy Regulator, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Paul H.

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