Please keep political pronouncements off this list - especially pretending
It has to do with meteorites, their recovery or some other form of
Michael Blood

On 2/12/16 9:58 PM, "Meteorite List" <>

>   Our freedoms have been horribly eroded in the last few years, especially in
> the last 7 years.  People just let it happen and don't complain unless it
> directly, and seriously affects them.  It is now affecting the meteorite
> hunter's ability to hunt for meteorites, and that affects us all, including
> the modest collector.
> ________________________________________
> From: Meteorite-list <> on behalf
> of Dennis Miller via Meteorite-list <>
> Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 9:25 PM
> To: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> Cc:; Raremeteorites
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] President Obama Places Over 265 Million Acres Of
> Land Off-limits
> This recent land grab is courtesy of California Senator Dianne Feinstein.  82
> year old
> Senator who hates energy, peoples freedoms, and too few regulations on
> everything!
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 12, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list
>> <> wrote:
>> I do agree that the government is terrible at administering anything,
>> be it a local neighborhood dog park or a national forest. BLM rules
>> are a mess and the enforcement is inconsistent at best.
>> But, one thing to remember is that government officials do not come
>> from another galaxy and force their way into Congress. They are the
>> cream of the private sector crop and we put them there. If government
>> sucks, it's because we keep electing people who suck. Worse, 99% of
>> the the choices we get to choose from also suck to roughly equal
>> degrees.
>> What do we expect when we let a bunch of CEO's, lobbyists, hedge
>> funders, washed out lawyers, and ego-tripped doctors run the
>> government? And we get a selection of idiots to pick from every four
>> years - some of those idiots have Ivy League credentials, and some do
>> not, but they all suck.
>> Until the masses demand competent candidates based on merit and not
>> charismatic fools with deep pockets, we will keep getting the same
>> treatment every four years.
>> I don't care if the president or our congresspeople are black, white,
>> male, female, religious, atheist, socialist, libertarian, gay,
>> straight, or whatever. But, I think we should demand competence.
>> Congressmen which no knowledge of science should not sit on committees
>> responsible for funding scientific projects. Presidents or congressmen
>> with no war-fighting experience should not be starting wars, etc. And,
>> by extension, BLM rangers and officials should not be making or
>> enforcing the rules of land management unless they have some degree of
>> expertise in the academic/scientific/engineering or field aspects of
>> the resources they govern.
>> So, back to meteorites and rockhounding - this is what happens when we
>> elect people to oversee resource-rich lands who no background or
>> interest in geology, forestry, or related fields.  The rank and file
>> BLM field rangers might know their business, but they do not know the
>> intricacies of the entire body of federal regulations that they are
>> trying to interpret and enforce. The bureaucrats at the top of the
>> chain are so far removed from the field, that they have no expertise
>> with rocks, minerals, or natural resources - they are a bunch of
>> former lobbyists, white collars, and people who have never had their
>> hands dirty.
>> That's my two cents, actual worth may vary widely.  ;)
>> PS - I do not think Adam intended his post as racist or Islamophobic.
>> People are getting a little too touchy these days. But, there is a lot
>> of bigotry out there, so those are the days we live in and sometimes
>> appearances matter more than substance. We have to be careful about
>> what we say, where, and how we say it - and, how other people might
>> interpret what we say or play semantics with our words. It sucks, but
>> that's how it is.
>> [/rant]
>> Best regards and happy huntings,
>> MikeG
>> On 2/12/16, Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
>> <> wrote:
>>> Where I grew up in the Northwest, if a person is angry or disgusted, they
>>> use the person's entire name to emphasize a point.  I knew there was trouble
>>> when my mother called out to me, "Adam Charles Hupe, What have you done?"
>>> instead of just, "Adam."  People are far too sensitive these days.   I do
>>> not like it when a politician of any sort makes unilateral decisions without
>>> public input.
>>> Rock hounding used to be considered a healthy pursuit.  Now a huge corridor
>>> is completely off limits practically in my back yard here in the Mohave
>>> Desert.
>>> Best,
>>> Adam
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