I doubt anyone is in a rush on this one. Take your time...

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On 4/23/16 at 6:41 PM, Ann Cain via Meteorite-list wrote:

> Meteorite List,
> I would like to apologize for not having The Gallery of World Record Mars 
> Meteorites, from the US World Record Mars Meteorite Discovery, ready and up 
> for viewing for this Passover 4-23-16, as I said I would. Things have been 
> very busy this school year. However, this summer I will finish. I now intend 
> to have it ready on Rosh Hashanah 5777 AD/CE, (October 3-4, 2016), and I’m 
> hoping a 3rd PR can be released at that time in addition. 
> Rosh Hashanah 5777 AD/CE should be a good year of blessings, and I’m looking 
> forward to a new U.S. administration.
> Shalom,
> Glyn Howard
> The Gallery of US World Record Mars Meteorite specimens:
> http://gfoundit-mars.com/GalleryOfImages.html
> The Evidence for GSA and GSB Mars Meteorites and Relevant Essays and Articles
> http://gfoundit-mars.com/TheEvidence.html
> The Evidence - G Found It - US World Record Mars Meteorite Discovery
> http://www.einpresswire.com/article/225047567/the-evidence-g-found-it-us-world-record-mars-meteorite-discovery
> G Found It - U.S. World Record Mars Meteorite Discovery
> http://www.gfoundit-mars.com/
> G Found It – U.S. World Record Mars Meteorite Discovery
> http://www.einpresswire.com/article/143477981/g-found-it-u-s-world-record-mars-meteorite-discovery
> Recall: Both my sister Ann Cain (who opened the email account) and I, Glyn 
> Howard, use the same email account …
> Ann Cain, Glyn Howard
> gfndit(at)hotmail.com
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