Dear List Members,

today I would like to offer a few slices of a really exciting eucrite (NWA 8704). The appearance of this eucrite is almost identical to the famous NWA 4881 granulitic Lunar meteorite. I have a photo with the Lunar and the NWA 8704 eucrite side by side on my website (link below). It´s amazing how similar they look, you have to be careful that you do not mix the slices up. But of course, under the microscope the differences are clearly visible, for example NWA 8704 has no maskelynite.

The downside of my purchase of the NWA 8704 stone was its high price, as a unclassified "lunar candidate" it was more expensive for me as a "normal" eucrite. So I offer it here almost below my own costs and I will be happy if I get some of my investment back. If you see the cut surface you can perhaps understand why I bought it even at a higher price than normal. And finally, it is a very beautiful eucrite with very nice patterns of shock veins.

Best wishes,


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