Hi Doug,
        Thanks for the kind words. However, I have saved all
The emails and believe me, there was absolutely no confusion
Re shipping - -clarified clearly (twice) that if Fed EX were
less than $50 I would refund him the difference and if it
were more than $50 he would have to agree to paypal me
the difference.
        He stated I should  not have put the "real value" on the shipment -
AFTER I had sent it - When Fed Ex turned out to be more, then
He complained he would have to pay the import fee and wouldn't
Pay any more for the shipping.
        Kind and gentle is always best and I tried that for several
Posts to no avail whatever.
        No, this is a clear cut case of being ripped off. I suspect it is
Our old "friend" as his approach is nearly identical and his English
Is similarly distorted. But whether it is or not the results are identical.
        I, too, like to think people are basically honest and live up to
Their commitments and I do deal with people that way and the vast
Majority of people in the meteorite community are that way.
        Also, I do not believe for a second this is "typical of Italians" -
only two - and possibly only one - have/has acted this way. Every
Country has both the saintly and the cur.
        Good to hear from you, Doug,

On 7/23/16 10:32 PM, "MexicoDoug" <mexicod...@aol.com> wrote:

> Michael,
> How discouraging, as if doing what you love wasn't already a labor of love.
> Your customer appears to be a dedicated collector, exhibitor, lecturer, and
> dealer (involved with meteorites and as using them as raw materials for
> selling trinkets and watch dials, including to school children).  You could
> double-check if it is not a miscommunication from your message exchange
> defining who was supposed to pay for what.  The immediate problem was not
> Italy, as much as the expensive, secure shipping cost which you understood was
> to be paid by him as it sounds like he received the meteorite and you have a
> tracking receipt.
> Or, next time you are in Rimini, stop by this hair salon and go collect if the
> friendly approach doesn't pan out.  Maybe settle for a seafood risotto.  I'd
> make an appointment first and bring a bottle of wine @ (+39)3485447938.  He
> really doesn't seem like a scammer!
> Kindest wishes
> Doug
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> To: Michael Blood <mlbl...@cox.net>; Meteorite Mailing List
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Sat, Jul 23, 2016 9:37 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Another warning re sales to Italy
> Why do people ignore warnings? Italy is notorious for
> scams and stolen packages.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 23, 2016, at 6:36 PM, Michael Blood via Meteorite-list
>> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>        You all may recall that several years ago multiple
>> Dealers warned against sales to Italy. It seams at
>> Least one buyer was claiming not to have received
>> Shipments that were verified, not to have received
>> Money that was sent him, etc.
>>        Unfortunately, I failed to head warnings about
>> Shipping to Italy. A different Italian contacted me (Or
>> At least one using a different name and email) and
>> I explained even Registered Mail seems to fail to
>> guarantee delivery in Italy but I somehow allowed
>> him to talk me into a Fed Ex shipment of a specimen.
>> I agreed, providing he send $50 shipping and agree
>> to pay any additional amount Fed Ex might charge.
>>   Perhaps it is the same fellow from several years ago
>> Using a different name (he was so good at that Art could
>> Not keep him off the list because he would just join again
>> Using a different name and email). So, beware of:
>> "Davide Urbinati" <urbinati.dav...@gmail.com>
>>        Even though I scanned the receipt and sent it to him
>> He refused to pay the $59.79 Fed Ex charged me. So, I am
>> Out that $.
>>        Believe me, I will never ship to Italy again.
>>        Better luck to all of you,
>>        Michael Blood
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