Dear Meteorite Collectors!

Ending soon on Weekend my few auctions in Ebay. Lots of pieces are in very
reduced price!   

See them here:

Regmaglypted Sikhote-Alin    
Individual 68.8 gr Mundrabilla + etcehd Mundrabilla    
Well shaped Gibeon    
Smaller Morasko, Poland     
Regmaglypted Taza  (NWA859)   
Agoudal IIAB dealer lot   

NWA 001 L6 - milestone of the historics of NWA period    
NWA 869 L3-6 contraction cracked   
NWA 10669 LL3.-3.4 rare-subtype   
Big Chelyabinsk LL5 slice   
Fresh, nice CV3 unlcassified     
Fresh, black NWA unclass. chondrites    
NWA chondrites up to 1 kg cheap !   

Mocs L5-6 1882 with Fusion Crust, Romania    
Gross-Divina 1837 Slovakia    
Knyahinya L/LL5, 1866 Ukraine with Fusion Crust   
Nyirabrany L/LL4-5 1914, Hungary   

Sidi Ali Ou Azza L4 witnessed fall 2015, BIG individual    
NWA 6069 BIG ureilite slice    

Very rare Nordlingen-Ries fully glass impactites, no suevite!    

Meteorite Thin Sections - perfect mirror polished each of them from 49 USD

Zagami - martian shergottite 350USD   
NWA 8735 - Lunar breccia 189USD    
NWA 8276 - L3.00  !!! super rare sub-type (only 2 known as L3.00) 450USD    
Udei Station IAB-ung iron - very rare and awsome !!! 199USD    
Mocs L5-6, 1882 - historic 170USD    
Cole Creek, H5, USA, Nebraska    
Kosice H5 witnessed fall, Slovakia, 2010   
NWA 4560 LL3.2 nice   
NWA 5507 L3.2 rare subtype    
NWA 6169 L3.3 rare subtype    
NWA 6926 Achondrite-ungr, super rare, very nice    
NWA 10669 LL3.2 rare subtype, very nice    
Bondoc Mesosiderite, colorful, very rare in Thin Section     
and many more
Best Regards!  
Zsolt Kereszty
IMCA#6251, MetSoc


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