Great Job Larry...looks good to me...will enjoy further browsing through
your adventures.



On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 2:39 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to share some of my hunting experiences with the broader
> meteorite community and have a platform to occasionally sell some material,
> so I created this website. I'm no computer whiz so I used Squarespace and I
> found it quite simple. I recommend it for anyone else that may be
> challenged when it comes to creating a website.
> I did the best I could to provide accurate information like names and
> dates, photo credits, etc. If you see a discrepancy of any kind, please let
> me know so that I can fix it. If you see your mug in here or I mention your
> name and you don't want any part of it just say the word and I'll pull the
> offence from the site. Any criticisms and or compliments are always
> welcome, your input is valued. If you have images from hunts that I was
> involved in and you would like them included please send them to me, the
> more the merrier.
>  I hope you will take the time to go through and enjoy the many pages
> filled with meteorite images, friends and family, nature photography, micro
> photography, and more!
> Sincerely,
> Larry Atkins
> IMCA # 1941
> Ebay alienrockfarm
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