Hello Everybody,
Still working on my website, I seem to continue to add 4-7 pages a day to it.  One of the new pages today, if the subject line didn't tell you...is a meteorite chat room.  While I do not in any way see this as a rival to the list here, sometimes it is easier to be able to talk back and forth in a fashion that the list does not let you do.  It is after 3 in the mourning here...so after I send this I will be going to sleep likely...but I will try to spend some time tomorrow in the room letting everyone test it out.  Perhaps, if others wanted to, we could meet once a week at a certain time.  (Which from my understanding is how this list started). 
Automated features like the chat room and my recent poll are easy work on us webmasters....or at least after they are built...so I will look at ways to continue to add more to my site.
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas

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