


Problem is that irons (and indeed chondrites) actually contain a [mixture] of metals and there therefore is an electronic potential between different metals which is aggravated by water. In a vehicle/car which is nearly all the same type of steel, electronic protection will probably work ok, since all surfaces are nicely earthed to the auto/car chassis. But I doubt if it would work on the dissimilar metals such as those in meteorites because you could never even out all the charges.


Vapor Corrosion inhibitors’ or VCI’s  are chemical emmiters that stop rust they  work in a much different way, they emit a molecular coating which settles on the meteorite / metal surface just a few atoms thick, and stop the air/water from reaching the surface thus stopping rust. The coating is so thin that it is not even noticeable but it really does work and is used extensively for this purpose.



Mark F.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Murakami [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
30 June 2003 09:40
Subject: [meteorite-list] Anti-rust


Here’s a bit of info while I was investigating anti-rust..


The vapor emitters are fascinating, but how about for our open-air specimens on displays??  This may be prohibitively costly…I’ll have to await their reply to my inquiries. 


This system is for 4WD’s, SUV, auto’s, but I imagine it might be adaptable for our larger meteorites.  Anyone out there with rusty 300 lb Campo’s??








 The CounterAct electronic rust prevention system uses a process called 'capacitive coupling' to apply a measurable current to every metallic component of a vehicle that's earthed to the battery. A small unit, usually mounted on the firewall, detects the amount of power required to create an electrostatic field that will keep the metal structure electron-rich and then provides that power, reducing the ion mobility that's the basis of the corrosion process, The unit is fed from the vehicle's battery, drawing about as much current as an LCD clock.
So the system operates by applying one of the principles of electrochemistry - that an oxidation reaction can be slowed or retarded by creating a surplus of electrons to the metal from a supplementary source.

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