Hi Paul - 

Thanks for the links to the new paper.A few notes:1) If you remember, fast 
neutrons are produced in large hyper velocity impacts.If you do not remember 
that fast neutrons are produced in large hyper-velocity impacts, 
you can always watch my YouTube video on the "Peopling of the Americas".
This being the case 10Be production is going to be affected as well,and thus 
the 10Be dates given in the paper will have to be looked atfor calibration 
2) If you remember, there were TWO impact events at the start of the 
Holocene,so the interval between them can be used as a check on those 10Be 
If you do not remember these TWO impact events, you can read the materials 
and here:
3) I will be working my way through this paper in detail,but it looks like the 
first flood lines up roughly with the first impacton the ice sheet, shown in 
the first link above.

While the Coderilla may have been slightly affected,You seem to think that a 
rise in Pacific Ocean temperatures led to 
general melting of the ice sheet. 
My hypothesis is that the earlier warm Pacific Current led to 
warm moist air over Canada, 
which in turn led to snow, 
which in turn led to the reflection of solar energy back into space,which led 
to the Earth cooling.
Thanks for not lumping me in with Hancock and Collins,nor asking me to defend 
their works in any way.
good hunting,Ed

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