Dear John/Adam/List,

I am greatly saddened to be dragged into what I can only assume is
'politically' motivated debate. 
For my part, I have never heard of this 3KG of Black Beauty, and it is
frankly farcical to suggest I am part of a conspiracy to keep this off
The linking of my few grams, as evidence of a secret cache of Black Beauty
is at best delusional.

I have been dealing in meteorites for a number of years and recently on ebay
where my feedback is 99 percent positive (only negative was someone wanted a
certificate of authenticity that was never mentioned in the listing).

My 3g (please note not KG) of BB came from hunters I have known for years
and I trust absolutely. The material was found in November 2017 in the Sbita
area " known strewn field of black beauty" and the balance of the parcel was
sold to a dealer in Belgium. 

As with the majority of non NWA XXX meteorites I sell, a fragment of my
material was recently sent to the LFP lab in Germany for analysis (not
classification) and should it prove to be anything other than BB, I would
give a full refund. Frankly, given my knowledge and trust of the hunters,
the probability that they have defrauded me is zero.

This list has seen the drama of bad US dealers, bad Moroccan dealers, family
rifts and petty squabbles played out ad-nauseum. However, its use to damage
people who are doing their absolute best to build a good business is in my
opinion at least, immensely sad and nothing more than playground bullying. 

I have many customers who have purchased multiple from me and several have
become genuine friends, it is that aspect of this community which I love,
sadly there is a Janus Face to this community.

John Higgins is angry with me for selling pieces of the Tindouf, Algerian
Lunar and calling them 'paired NWA 10265' - which is his classification for
this material. There is zero debate my material is the Algerian Lunar but I
simply used one of the many many classification numbers associated with it.
Hands up, I should have just called it Tindouf, Algerian Lunar,  but it is
utterly wrong to suggest this was an attempt to defraud anyone. Claiming a
specific classification of the same material is more 'special' than all the
generic Tindouf material it all represents, is a far greater
misrepresentation in my opinion.

I am neither part of an evil conspiracy to keep BB off the market or a bad
player, I just am trying to make a living and build a long term client business 
in a field I love.

nourddine A


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