Hi Mendy and all,

YES, Twannberg is a must-have, not only for European collectors! It’s one of 
only 6 IIG irons worldwide!


> Am 13.05.2018 um 23:04 schrieb Mendy Ouzillou via Meteorite-list 
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>:
> Friends,
> If only I could do this halfway ... ;-)
> Many of you have provided great feedback on what specimens should and should
> not be included in this list. In reading your feedback, I, like some of you,
> also came to the conclusion that just one list does not make sense. To make
> this list consistent, we will assume all specimens are greater than 1g,
> unless in very rare instances, micros are really all that are realistically
> available. The other thing I realized is that every collection should own
> some historic specimens and while some are must-haves, like L'Aigle and
> Ensisheim, there are many others where once the collector gets to a certain
> point, they should have the education necessary to make the right decision
> for their own collections. After carefully reviewing the list, I realized
> that like many other similar lists I've seen, there are geographic biases.
> For example, Park Forest is a must have for American collectors, but Barwell
> or Crumlin is a far better choice for European collectors (even taking into
> account the price differences). Finally, I decided to organize the list
> levels based on availability and price. There are no post-Antarctic treaty
> meteorites on this list for obvious reasons.
> Note: This is not the list for type specimen collectors.
> Now, from this list, how would you adjust it ...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> 1) Beginner's list (up to $20/g and easily available):
> Saharan XXX stoney preferably with dark brown or black smooth crust (not
> fresh) - can be NWA 869
> L3 with good contrast chondrules between chondrules and matrix
> Iron specimen - a piece of Sikhote Alin shrapnel or hand-sized Campo del
> Cielo
> Seymchan (with olivines)
> Vaca Muerta
> Saharan HED - Eucrite like DHO 007, Diogenite like NWA 7831, Howardite like
> NWA 1929
> ***Non-meteorite: Indochinite tektite (this is only non-meteoritic listing
> so as not to complicate this list further)
> Then - 
> Bondoc nodule
> Gao-Guenie (oriented)
> Chelyabinsk
> Sikhote Alin - individual
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> 2) "I'm starting to get addicted" list (up to $250/g and/or moderately easy
> to find):
> Can include larger and nicer specimens from Beginner's list.
> Abee
> Alfianello
> Allende
> Almahatta Sitta (coarse grained URE variant)
> Bencubbin
> Bereba
> Bilanga
> Bjurbole
> Camel Donga
> Campo del Cielo - large regmaglypted specimen
> Canyon Diablo
> Cape York
> Carancas
> Chergach (or Bassikounou)
> DAG 999
> Estherville - bonus for adding a nugget
> Esquel
> Gebel Kamil
> Gibeon
> Gujba
> Henbury
> Hoba
> Holbrook
> Ibitira
> Imilac
> Isheyevo
> Johnstown
> Juancheng
> Kainsaz
> Kapoeta
> Lake Murray
> Lunar - Tindouf pairings (any feldspathic breccia)
> Marjalahti
> Martian - NWA 7397, NWA 6963
> METEOR-WRONG: Mendota, Shirokovsky
> Miles
> Millbillillie
> Mount Dooling
> Moss
> Mundrabilla
> Murchison
> Norton County
> NWA 2999 (or its pairings)
> NWA 859 (Taza)
> NWA 801
> NWA 998, or other more recent Saharan Nakhlite
> Odessa
> Pena Blanca Spring
> Portales Valley
> Puerto Lapice
> Pultusk
> Saricicek
> Sao Joao Nepomuceno
> Tatahouine
> Thuathe
> Tirhert
> Tucson
> Udei Station
> Valera
> Weston
> Whitecourt
> Wiluna
> Willamette
> Wolfe Creek
> Wold Cottage
> --------------
> Oriented specimens
> Specimen(s) from your city, state, country
> --------------
> Museum specimens: 
> Famous collection specimens: Nininger, Kranz, Upham, Dupont, Buddhue, ...
> Ouzillou (just seeing if you're paying attention)
> --------------
> For European collectors:
> Barwell
> Chantonnay
> Crumlin
> Hvittis
> Juvinas/Stannern
> Lance
> Lowicz
> Twannberg
> Zaklodzie
> --------------
> For Chinese collectors:
> Aletai (previously known as Armanty)
> Dong Ujimqin Qi
> Enshi
> Fukang
> Huoyanshan
> Jilin
> Juancheng
> Ningbo
> Ningqiang
> Suizhou
> Wuan
> Xining
> --------------
> For North American collectors:
> Ash Creek
> Axtell
> Bruderheim
> Buzzard Coulee
> Cat Mountain
> Forest City
> Glorieta Mountain
> Gold Basin
> Happy Canyon
> Holbrook
> Lost City
> Mifflin
> Park Forest
> Pasamonte
> Peekskill/Worden/Sylacauga/Claxton (classic American hammers)
> Sacramento Wash 005
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> 3) "I'm completely broke, but look at these great rocks" or "Don't tell
> anyone I won the lottery, and look at these great rocks" list (up to $2000/g
> and/or generally difficult to find):
> Can include larger and better specimens from lists 1) and 2)
> Allan Hills A76009
> Almahatta Sitta (all the variants)
> Cumberland Falls/Bishopville/Khor Temiki
> D'Orbigny
> Ensisheim
> Fortuna
> Krasnojarsk
> L'Aigle
> Monument Draw
> NWA 482
> Serra de Mage
> Sutter's Mill
> Tagish Lake
> Tissint
> Winona
> Zagami
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> 4) "Now, I'm just showing off" list (up to $20K/g and/or difficult to find):
> Antarctics: Lazarus, Thiel Mountains, Allan Hills A76001
> Bustee
> Kaidun
> Orgueil
> NWA 7034 and other Black Beauty pairings
> NWA 8159
> Semarkona
> Type specimens (not already listed above): Mighei, Renazzo, Aubres, Orgueil,
> Karoonda, Angra dos Reis (crumb), Vigarano, Nakhla, Shergotty, Chassigny
> (crumb), Ornans, Acapulco, Novo-Urei (crumb), Ivuna, Rumurutti
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mendy Ouzillou <mendy.ouzil...@gmail.com> 
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 11:01 AM
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: The top 60 meteorites
> Someone on my FB page
> (https://www.facebook.com/groups/meteorites.tektites.impactites/) asked a
> great question about what are the "must have" meteorites as a NEW collector.
> I thought this would make a great topic of discussion for the MetList as
> well. Here is a list I found online many years ago. I certainly do not agree
> on some of these meteorites, but what would you recommend to add or remove? 
> This list is 60 meteorites, I’ll filter through all responses and see where
> we end up. I'm not stuck on 60, could be 50 or it could be 100. Please do
> not recommend meteorites that are unobtainium. If you could explain your
> choice that would be a great benefit.
> Allan Hills A76009
> Allende
> Almahatta Sitta
> Ash Creek
> Barbotan - Historic (1790)
> Brenham
> Camel Donga
> Campo del Cielo
> Canyon Diablo
> Chergach
> Chinga
> Cumberland Falls
> Dar al Gani 400 - Lunar
> Dhofar 007
> D'Orbigny
> Ensisheim - Historic (1492)
> Esquel
> Gao-Guenie
> Gibeon
> Gold Basin
> Gujba
> Henbury
> Holbrook
> Imilac
> Juancheng
> Krasnojarsk - Historic (1749)
> L'Aigle - Historic (1803)
> Lake Murray
> Lost City
> Mifflin
> Millbillillie
> Mundrabilla
> Murchison
> New Orleans
> Norton County
> NWA 869 - L4-6
> NWA 2999 - Angrite
> NWA 4925 - Martian
> NWA 5000 - Lunar
> Pallasovka
> Park Forest
> Pasamonte
> Peekskill
> Peña Blanca Spring
> Plainview
> Portales Valley
> Sayh al Uhaymir 001
> Siena - Historic (1803)
> Sikhote-Alin
> Seymchan
> Tagish Lake
> Tatahouine
> Travis County (a)
> Vaca Muerta
> Valera
> Weston - Historic (1807)
> White Court
> Wold Cottage - Historic (1795)
> Zag
> Zagami - Martian
> Mendy Ouzillou
> +1-512-554-9987
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