While we're talking fraud, this seller and copycats have been selling river
rocks as "ataxite" meteorites on eBay for months. Hundreds of them!


On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 7:38 PM, Daniel Noyes via Meteorite-list <
meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> If one bad apple is selling fake meteorite items, it is a bad reflection
> on all of us. There is a seller on ebay basically following in
> steelhorse1994's steps, as noted last week we still see his stuff show
> up as resale on ebay, (BTW, that particular single listing has been
> removed). You remember steelhorse1994, the guy who sold 1000's of fake
> moon and mars displays in 2012-2013. This new fraudster, ebay name
> "estatebureau" lists fake Mars displays every week on ebay. I will
> provide links to his listings below. The damning part of his listings
> are the "certificates" which state:
> NASA HEADQUARTERS- Space Meteorite Department/Authentication.
> This of course is false and quite ludicrous. I have contacted NASA and
> was told the info was sent on to their inspector general, but that was 7
> weeks ago. My concern is that it got lost in the government bureaucracy.
> Meanwhile things have since gotten worse. This ebay seller
> "estatebureau" started out with a couple auctions a week and is now
> brazenly listing 5 different auctions or buy it now every week. I have
> reported the listings to ebay as fraud but they have done nothing.
> We cannot stand by and let this continue. It is bad for all of us that
> someone can perpetrate this crime. I would encourage as many of you who
> feel as insulted by this as I am to report the fraud to ebay. Perhaps if
> enough people report the fraud, ebay will put a stop to it. Go to all of
> his listings and click the link 'report item'. This link is about half
> way down the listings on the right side across from the 'description'
> and 'shipping" tabs which are on the left side.
> Once in that section:
> select 'copyright and trademark' as the category;
> select 'counterfeit item' as reason for report
> select 'counterfeit, fake, or replica items' for detailed reason
> Then in the comment section in your own words you can write something
> like: Fake display, fake NASA certificate, they do not authenticate
> meteorites, no such NASA Dept.
> I suppose you could also write the seller "estatebureau", but I would be
> skeptical that they would pay any more attention than steelhorse1994
> did.
> Here are the current fake listings as of 6-22-18:
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Mars-Rock-Nakhlite-
> Martian-Meteorite-NWA-998-m3a-/232808890286?hash=item36347dbfae
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Mars-Rock-Nakhlite-
> Martian-Meteorite-NWA-998-m1a-/232812461580?hash=item3634b43e0c
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Mars-Rock-Nakhlite-
> Martian-Meteorite-NWA-998-/232581005334?hash=item3626e88016
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Mars-Rock-Nakhlite-
> Martian-Meteorite-NWA-998-m2a-/232815170082?hash=item3634dd9222
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Mars-Rock-Nakhlite-
> Martian-Meteorite-NWA-998-m1a-/232812461580?_trksid=
> p2349526.m4383.l4275.c10#viTabs_0
> Kind regards,
> Daniel
> Daniel Noyes
> Genuine Moon & Mars Meteorite Rocks
> i...@moonmarsrocks.com
> www.moonmarsrocks.com
> IMCA #6830
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