Chicago is 6 hours behind UTC until Daylight Savings Time
kicks in, then it's 5 hours.  So, that places the time noted
below as 11:50:26 PM on March 26th, which matches my
observation of the bolide.

Dave Johnson

------------Original Message--------------
It is written,
"IR sensors aboard US DOD satellites detected the impact of
a bolide over
Park Forest, Illinois, on 27 March 2003 at 05:50:26 UTC. The
traveled from the SW to the NE on a heading of 22.3 degrees,
with a
flight path angle of 62.3 degrees from the local

Ok, Now we know the exact time of the PF fall. Can anyone
convert this to
PF's local time?

Thanks, Tom
The proudest member of the IMCA 6168

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