Hi Ron,

>From what I have read in descriptions so far, it would actually seem to me
that this was one bright fireball apparition, not a meteor shower. The
report about colored streaks of light actually is not clear as to whether
observers saw multiple meteors, or that it concerns multiple descriptions of
one and the same meteor from different localities. The other newsitems seem
to suggest one large meteor. Also the 'restricted' geographical nature of
where the event has been reported suggests this. Happening at 10 p.m. for
California, this meteor shower -if it was such- should have been visible and
reported from all over nightime USA, not just California.

- Marco Langbroek / Dutch Meteor Society

PS: my experience is that a bright fireball apparition seen from many
locations quite quickly becomes a 'meteor shower' in the press - especially
when there is also fragmentation involved.

Marco Langbroek


"What seest thou else
 In the dark backward and abysm of time?"

                            William Shakespeare
                            The Tempest act I scene 2

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