Hello List,
I was hoping this thread would die quickly and quietly after Geoff's post. However, it seems it (the thread) is determined to hold on to life with a death grip and continue to gasp for air one weak breath at a time.

Since it's Friday and the traffic on this list is slow, I'll offer an analogy that I think most of you can relate to. This debate between religion and science has been going on for centuries and it makes at least one visit to this list every year. Nothing is ever resolved - no one ever wins the argument, because there is no correct answer to this issue.

It's sort of like this. My wife, who is a business professional, usually comes home from a day of shopping and drags me up to the bedroom to see the new clothes she had bought. Invariably, she will put on one of here new dresses, and ask, "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?"

No matter which way you answer the question, it's the wrong answer. Dead wrong. You see, if I say "yes", then I'm deader than a grasshopper in a chicken coop. If I say "no", then the rest of the day is trashed after her first question fired back at me..."so, what's that supposed to mean?"

Bottom line is don't answer the question in the first place. Instead, quickly change the subject by saying, "hey...let's go to [insert the name of her favorite restaurant here] for dinner and we might have enough time afterwards to go buy a few more of those gorgeous dresses."

It's the same with the Creation/Evolution thing. No one is ever going to win over the other person by saying what they think is true, so why waste your time trying. Instead, go do something more productive, like going out to dinner.

Have a Good Weekend,


At 10:36 AM 7/11/03 -0700, ari machiz wrote:

Hi list.

Stephen Hawking says that the beginning of time does not preclude a creator. Still, I don't remember him going on about Jesus Christ being the way to heaven, or A. C. Baktividanta Swami Prabhupada being the true almighty representative of the lord for mankind.

I wonder if meteorites ever end up being discussed on the Jews for Jesus forum.

If God is responsible for meteorites, we'll all know when we die, or if there is a suspension of natural law dealing with meteorites. The bottom line is that religion boils down to faith, a word that does not enter the scientific dictionary.

Let's keep the witnessing to that of meteorites.

If I am out of line, please feel free to reprimand me on or off list.

Ari Machiz TVBTITU

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