Howdy all

              AMS' meteor event 512 may have produced a fall, as there is an 
interesting radar signature that matches in time and place:

              The bolide was traveling from NE to SW according to AMS.  I've 
found one video of the event:

              Radar shows a signature at 5km AGL altitude, just west of the 
town of Patch Grove, WI.  I'd prefer to see signatures on multiple radars and 
altitudes to build confidence that we're seeing a fall, but this single sweep 
does look similar to those seen in previous falls.  Its' altitude probably 
precludes interference from birds, and it does not have the traditional shape 
or intensity of a reflection from an aircraft.  It is also almost exactly at 
the terminus end of AMS' ground track estimate.  The event does not show up in 
Geostationary Lightning Mapper data, and it produced a fairly weak signature in 
a seismometer approximately 50 miles away. All of these add up to a small 
meteorite fall, but probably find-able given that the terrain is mostly 
              I'll draw up a NASA web page for this event, but wanted to pass 
on the news so you all can start talking about it.

              Fun factoid - the radar signature for this event is only 35 miles 
from Mifflin, WI.

Marc FRies

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