
              It appears that this event on AMS resulted in a meteorite fall:

              The event occurred at 03:38:50 AM local time on 20 January 2023, 
or 0938:50 UTC. It appears in GLM data and in data from four separate NEXRAD 
radars showing signatures of falling meteorites. The bolide traveled from NW to 
SE starting off east of Tulsa and terminating over Muskogee. Tomorrow I will 
generate a NASA Meteorite Falls web page for this event complete with a 
computed strewn field, in the meantime you can visit my Twitter account for 
first-draft radar images of the fall (Marc Fries, @warrantyviolatr - not a NASA 

              The most massive meteorites probably landed east of the Muskogee 
airport along a line extending to the SE. Winds were out of the SW, so smaller 
meteorites (100s of grams and less) landed in the southern end of Muskogee 
extending towards the NW.  This will be a roughly banana-shaped strewn field 
with the large end extending towards the SE and smaller meteorites extending 
towards the NE.

              More to come in the morning...

Good luck!
Marc Fries
Meteorite-list mailing list

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