Thank you "newsspace" for providing this link.  I'll limit my comments to your 
link, although there is more information about this "Subject", but it is behind 
a paywall.  
I'm surprised that this List didn't comment sooner on the well-documented, 
well-tracked recovery, and more to the point:  the fact that they had visual on 
this "artificial meteor" all the way from "peak heating" (most luminous) all 
the way down to the ground - all the way from hypersonic, thru  supersonic, 
thru transonic, down to subsonic.  What this means is that they had visual on 
this thing thru dark-flight... DARK FLIGHT!  

It goes without saying that this is a game-changer. It's a proof-of-concept 
that shows this technology could be applied to Earth-crossing meteoroids (of 
this size and larger) - if we can detect the meteoroid soon enough, if we can 
predict the fall zone soon enough, and if we can install and test the portable 
sensor array before the fall event occurs.  We've proven it can be done.  

So, the more pertinent news to me is not that "Artificial Meteor Science Data 
[is] Gained", but that "Realtime Meteoroid/Meteorite-Recovery is Now Possible"! 

My question is this: How long do we have to wait until an official 
"Meteorite-Recovery Team" is formed?  
Has there even been funding allocated for this capability? 
Or is impossible to get funding for an event that may only happen once a 
decade, if ever?  
Or do we have to wait until it becomes political - like when another country 
beats us to the punch?  

On Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 01:42:48 PM PDT, newsspace--- via 
Meteorite-list <> wrote: 

Leonard David/Inside Outer Space:

OSIRIS-REx Capsule Re-entry: “Artificial Meteor” Science Data Gained

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