Hello list,
in a booklet I found a leaflet of the American Meteorite Museum
printed in 1946/47. Here Dr.H.H.Nininger tells his visitors
what they can expect to see : Among many others - 22 famous meteorites;
but he does not mention the names of these meteorites and I don't have
the answers myself, so I thought it might be funny/interesting  -
as a kind of test/challenge for some of you - to name those meteorites.
Here are the descriptions of the meteorites you could see in 1946/47
the AMM:

1. A meteorite that fell through a house roof in Missouri during World
War I.

2. A portion of another that fell through a barn in Wisconsin five years

3. Still another that crashed through a bedroom where two children were

4. The only gold-bearing meteorite in America.

5. Diamonds in meteorites.

6. The largest mass ever found in connection with the world's greatest
meteorite crater.

7. A meteorite that was excavated in an encient ruin of the
cliff-dwellers. It was found wrapped in feather cloth and enclosed in a
stone cyst.

8. The world's largest known shower of stony meteorites—in Texas.

9. Stones from a shower which almost broke up a burial service near
Denver, Colo., in 1924.

10. Portions of recent falls—one as late as August, 1946.

11. 2000 stones which fell near Holbrook, Arizona, in 1912.

12. An implement fashioned from a meteorite by a Mexican blacksmith.

13. An Indian axe made from a meteorite— found in a ruin in New Mexico.

14. The only known copper meteorite in the world.

15. A group of meteorite hammer-stones from Central Mexico.

16. Two of the largest stony meteorites ever discovered.

17. A meteorite that was found doing service as a "deadman" in a fence
on a ranch in Texas.

18. Another one which did similar service in Kansas.

19. A meteorite which served as an anvil on a Mexican hacienda for 25

20. A meteorite which served as a weight in a pork barrel for 23 years.

21. Another which was used on a kraut barrel for 23 years.

22. Several tons of meteorites gathered from the vicinity of the famous
Arizona crater.

P.S: I like # 1 to 3 (Greetings from PF ;-))

Peter Marmet, Bern

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