How's that for a name? My wife is expecting a little girl on the 10th or 11th of August. If she is one or two days late, Jordan (our little girl) will be born in the middle of it!
I don't think my wife would go for it. Maybe she would go for Jordan Allende seeing as how she is from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.
I think I'm dreaming. She would no more name her Allende than she would name her breccia (that's kinda pretty!). One thing is for sure. In a couple more weeks, I am going to have a little girl spitting up and condruling all over me. The only crust I'll be getting is from her nose into a Kleenex. I'm gonna have to get used to changing diapers full of JordanDonga.
If y'all think of any more, you can send them on!

Ari Machiz

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