Asteroid #6 is Hebe, could have been mistranslated as HAVH-6

Mike Fowler

I don't recognize that asteroid either. Perhaps it is a typo.
I do recognize Gabriel Shaked. He had that really neat astronomical
online encyclopedia. He shut it down about a year ago due to copyright
conflicts with David Weir.
ken newton

Norbert Classen wrote:
> Hi all,
> There's another paragraph in this article that kindled my
> interest. Quote:
> "A member of the vehicle's team, Gabriel Shaked, who was
>  one of the people who discovered the stone, said yesterday
>  that the test showed that it was a fragment of Asteroid
>  HAVH-6, a rocky heavenly object that departed from its orbit
>  between the sun and Jupiter, and broke up. The original
>  asteroid approaches the earth once every three years."
> Has anyone ever heard of this particular asteroid HAVH-6,
> and it's connection to any known class of meteorites? Did
> I miss something? Any input on this alleged PB would be
> highly appreciated.
> All the best,
> Norbert
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