Thankfully you will notice that we had managed to squash most of the hysteria in the press by lunchtime!
Jay Tate
The Spaceguard Centre
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Asteroid Threat Seen (Asteroid 2003 QQ47)

It has been an absolutely CRAZY day here in the UK since this story broke early this morning. I swear every radio and TV news programme has featured a "Doomsday Approacheth!" piece, accompanied by comments from "an astronomer" or "space expert", who without fail tried desperately to reassure the viewers or listeners that the scare was just that, a scare, and that in a few days time it would be shown to have been a false alarm... only for the presenter to wade back in with a closing comment about the end of the world, and civilisation, being nigh...

And I thought DEEP IMPACT was over the top, sheesh...!!!


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