
Interesting comments. 
However I am not sure somebody still knows where exactly that well was sunk.
Esquel was supposed to be found back in 1951 (ref.: "Meteorites from A to
Z"). I know the finder kept the piece for long years before he made it
expertized as meteorite and again it took him even more time to sell it. He
probably passed away since and I doubt anybody now knows for the exact find
place, not even the first buyer (to my best knowledge). 
I will not argue whether or not it is better so, precisely because of its
potential value...



At 15:15 11/09/03 +0100, you wrote:
>Well put, given the potential value of a massive chunk of Esquel I am
>supprised no one has sunk further holes around the site! If I lived near
>by, I'd certainly do it myself! Maybe the use of a magnetometer would be
>the way to go, these days there is a myriad of equipment designed to
>locate buried metals...
>One tactic of finding meteorites would be to mount very powerful magnets
>onto a tractor Plough, and trawl over acres of farm land. Something I
>have been trying a local farmer friend of mine to do for ages!
Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Groupe Sécurité et Ecologie Chimiques (GSEC) - ENSCMu
3, rue A. Werner
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
FAX: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15

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