Hello Charles & list,
I too am interested in learning more about these mystery-shrouded Tsavorites that are being compared to and associated with Moldavites. By being mined from deep in the earth, man-made glass can be ruled-out as a verdict regarding what they are.
You refer to them as glassy mineral stones and yes they do make better cut gem stones than true Moldavite but somebody somewhere must have figured out whether this is indeed a newly discovered variety of tektite or a non-impact related gem or mineral. Hopefully others on this list may be able to shed a little more light on Tsavorites or pass-along a few pearls of wisdom on the general topic.
Some scientific testing of Tsavorite material needs to be conducted.
Plenty of people would be eager to know the results. 
Szep, over & out... 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 4:30 AM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Another kind of 'wrong

Well, at least they did not call them Moldavite (only Czech), as most mineral dealerships do.  These particular types are mined from deep in the earth (tsavorite, Tanzanian), and the jury is out as to what impact they could be related to if they are indeed tektites.  There was a big todo about gem dealers calling these items Moldavite , and the pressure on them to dis-associate them from that name has been great.  These particular glassy mineral stones make much better cut gemstones than the true Moldavite, but what they really are has yet to be officially determined, as far as I know




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 1:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Another kind of 'wrong


Hello members,

What do you think of this one?

and there are several others.

Did any of you ever hear of these?  Do you know the sellers?
BTW, I was just offered some "tektites" from Brazil, uncut, but same color. Very pretty color by the way.

Inquiring minds..............(you know)

Anne M. Black
www. IMPACTIKA.com
IMCA  #2356

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