Hello, Bjorn and the list,

well, I usually use the cataloque as a base. Just tried to get
some sense to the quantities of the swedish meteorites
published in the swedsih and international press. Suppose,
the data was given by the swedish NHM.

I gladly aggree with Mrs Grady and the cataloque, except
what comes to Marjalahti. It´s not a russian one.It felt to
the Grand Duchy of Finland,  to the area, which 1917 became
a part of  independent Finland. Also the finder and the
witness of the fall was pure finn, Mr Koppinen. After 2 wars
the USSR had the area, but not the meteorite, so it´s a finnish


take care.

pekka s

Bjørn Sørheim wrote:

Pekka & The List,
I think we must use Monica Grady et. al. and the recent 'Catalogue of Meteorites' as the definite authority
of what constitute a meteorite fall/find or not...


Pekka Savolainen Jokiharjuntie 4 FIN-71330 Rasala FINLAND

+ 358 400 818 912

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