>From Space Rocks:

Haag finaly had his Mars rock - if he could just hang
on to it. He left Kaduna the same day and headed
southwest to the city of Lagos on the Atlantic coast.
There he was stopped cold by an official who was
checking baggage. The meteorites set off the metal
detectors. " What is this rock?" the official
asked.Haag told her it was a meteorite given to him by
the museum director of Kaduna. "That can't leave the
country " she said coldly and set it aside. Haag
grabbed it back, determinated to " walk across Africa
barefoot or swim the Atlantic Ocean " to get it to
Tucson. The main problem was that he had no papers
from the museum releasing the meteorite. The line
behind him was filled with impatient travelers, and
the plane was scheduled to leave momentarily. The
official was under pressure. " Well, I've got these
papers " Haag said, and thrust all his Nigerian money
on the table. " I have something back here " he
continued and turned around to retrieve a bag. In that
instant the " papers " vanished. With a smile and a
thank-you, the official motioned Haag to the waiting
plane. This meteorite had a price on the world market
of $1 milion. ((c) R.Norton )

well, this is corruption and illegal export. Our
Indian boy will make the same one?


--- Comcast Mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin,
> Give me a break.
> I couldn't care less about your accomplishments or
> who you know.
> After $5,000 and a week in hell , tell me you
> wouldn't keep a meteorite the size of a nickel.
> Lets be realistic , if you say that you wouldn't ,
> you would be lying.
> Do you collect meteorites? I assume that you do.
> Were all of your meteorites legally exported from
> the locations that they were found?
> Seeing as this is such a sensitive issue for you ,
> I'd assume that you researched them all before you
> acquired them. Or did you?
> I know you couldn't possibly find them all your
> self. But purchasing meteorites that were illegally
> exported would be as bad as illegally exporting them
> yourself.
> So , do you really care about legalities or are you
> just an envious hypocrite?
> Have a good day!
> Bob Evans
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 2:42 PM
>   Subject: Pardon me, dude
>   Bob Evans:
>   I don't recognize your name, aside from being a
> restaurant with daily "early bird " specials, and
> would encourage you in the future to research the
> people you address before directing ignorant,
> child-like public messages in their direction. 
>   FYI - I've twice been to India for a month at a
> time on my way to mountaineering in Nepal, so I do
> know something of the country. I've also twice led
> expeditions to Bolivia (you can read about them in
> several issues of Meteorite Magazine) where we found
> Sevaruyo, Bolivia's first authenticated meteorite at
> probably the highest altitude a meteorite has ever
> been recovered. I hope that addresses the "balls"
> issue.
>   I travel to Costa Rica several times a year where
> I own a second house. I'll be in France for a couple
> of weeks next November for a vacation. I assure you
> I can "afford" a little trip to India if I care to
> go. 
>   Bob Haag is a friend of mine (is he a friend of
> yours?) and he didn't break any Nigerian laws
> regarding Zagami.
>   I'm addressing a serious point. The hobby of
> meteorites has devolved to a point that makes it
> acceptable for people to intentionally break the
> laws of the country and be applauded by some for
> their efforts. Adults consider this very bad and
> people go to jail for less. The jails in India are
> far less comfortable than the life we've read about.
> I hope that Mike is indeed seeking out a legal
> mechanism to remove the meteorite fragment from
> India. 
>   Apparently it's a all bit beyond your
> comprehension, dude.
>   If anyone else is confused by the issue I'd
> appreciate that they write me direct.
>   Kevin Kichinka

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