You incredible idiot!! The only piece I've sold so far was a 40g piece on 
ebay with no reserve.

Bill Kieskowski

> hahhahaha nice history, now for how much you find PF
> from you? Ask to others for how much give you, if ask
> under $30/gr. or $40/gr.
> Matteo
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > For the record. The first experience I ever had with
> > a meteorite dealer was 
> > only months ago. I placed a few adds on free ad
> > sites asking for PF 
> > meteorites. I figured what the heck. The second
> > person I heard from was 
> > Matteo. He badgered me to buy pf from him for $40g.
> > I told him I was buying 
> > for a lot less here in Illinois. He then went on the
> > met-line and started 
> > complaining about people like me making the market
> > go to ruin or whatever 
> > that gibberish means. There's more to the story but
> > the fact is that he was 
> > rude and very aggressive. I thought he was some
> > crazy kid. If I didn't have 
> > so many years of business exp. I might have been
> > intimidated or completely 
> > turned away from this wonderful new interest. I
> > wonder how many other newbies 
> > he tries to stalk on the internet. Believe me, I
> > know the difference between 
> > an honest inquiry and, for lack of a better word, a
> > jerk that's trying to con 
> > me. I never intended to mention it but now it seems
> > to have meaning. This guy 
> > is downright bizzare.
> > 
> > Bill Kieskowski
> =====
> M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
> Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
> Sale Site: Collection Site: 
> International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140
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