This might be a bit premature, but currently I`m
checking out a possible fall here in Indiana. Someone
that I work with told me awhile back, that something
hit his cousins or brothers garage roof who lives out
in the country, but you know how that usually ends up
being. I keep telling him to bring it to me so that I
can check it out, but we have been really busy at
work. I`m not getting my hopes up, but sure would like
to see what ever it was. Tomorrow, Saturday is my one
day off, so I will try to get in touch with him and
see. I will post pictures if it might seem authentic.
Wish me luck!!!

> Meteorite Spotted Over Salt Lake Valley
> ABC 4 News
> October 16, 2003
> If you think you saw a UFO over the Salt Lake valley
> Thursday morning, you may not have been too far off.
> NORAD is saying they think the unidentified object
> was a meteor but they have yet to confirm their
> findings. 
> ABC 4's Andrew Stack has been close on the tail of
> this meteor all day and has more. 
> Thursday morning, a soldier on the firing range at
> Camp Williams looked up to see a blinding flash, and
> then a long con trail. It was a tail many others
> would
> see over the next few minutes. 
> "All of a sudden, my eyes saw something fantastic,"
> describes one. 
> "NORAD right now is researching all their records,"
> explains another. 
> Around 10:30 Thursday morning, some caught a
> glimpse of a bright, white light. 
> "I thought, you know, I'm sitting out here taking
> pictures," says Brad Gygi, an eyewitness. 
> "At the present time, they figure this is the high
> time of
> the season for meteor showers and that's what one of
> the suggestions has been, but right now, it is
> undetermined to exactly what it is," says one.
> First it flew over Camp Williams. 
> "...saw an airplane going over and then he saw a
> white
> trail that appeared to be coming from the south
> about
> two o'clock and heading to the north at about eight
> o'clock," describes LTC Rick West, Camp Williams
> Training Site. 
> Then it was seen over downtown Salt Lake. 
> "It looked like it was heading for downtown
> Bountiful,"
> says Richard Law, another eyewitness. 
> But it never made it that far. 
> "Naturally, with the war going on, I thought, 'oh,
> oh,
> what do we got here?' And then I recognized it
> immediately as a comet or a meteor because of its
> shape and the way it was going and then when it
> exploded and just disappeared, I figured it just
> burned
> out in the atmoshpere." 
> "I was lucky to get a couple that did turn out,"
> says
> Gygi, of his pictures. 
> Brad Gygi was on his way to work and was lucky
> enough to snap a few photos before 'it' exploded. 
> "It looked really big, a lot bigger than when you
> see a
> plane flying across or something and it was pretty
> bright and it looked like a pretty long tail," says
> Gygi. 
> "I just feel like anybody who didn't see it, missed
> out.
> It was beautiful. It was just wonderful to see it." 
> The soldier who first saw this meteor reported it
> through his chain of command because he feared the
> meteor might hit one of the commuter flights
> preparing
> to land at Salt Lake International. 
> As it turns out, air traffic controllers at Salt
> Lake
> International took immediate action to ensure safety
> as soon as they heard about this explosion in the
> sky. 
> They changed incoming landing approaches for a
> couple of flights to avoid the area. 
> There were no close calls, all planes landed safely
> and
> everything shortly returned to normal. 
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