Hello everyone,

Since the list is so quiet, thougth I'd share about my only "find" (so
far).  It found it in the garage under some dirt and caliche.  I was
taking a little vicarious tour of the NWA by cutting up some fragments. 
The last (and ugliest) has some great chondrules.

Jeff Kuyken of meteoritesaustralia has been kind enough to put up a page
so I can share an image.  I don't have a digital camera and haven't fully
explored the capabilities of my scanner.  I haven't truly captured it yet,
but this will give you at least a preview.  Use your imagination a bit and
I'll see if I can do better.

Check it out at: http://www.meteoritesaustralia.com/space/nwachondrules.html

Most of the chondrules are quite small, but that's all there is -
perfectly round chondrules.  The darker ones are hiding in the image.  I
probably shouldn't have polished it, but it now "pops" under a loupe.  The
small chondrules are hidden when it's rough cut.

Enjoy and thanks for putting up with some child-like exuberance.

Best Regards,

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