Hello Everyone,
First, to address Christian's concerns.
These are just my opinions and mine alone.  I do not have any malicious or libelous intentions toward anyone and I am perfectly happy with the knowledge that others do not agree with me.  Live and let live, I'm okay, you're okay, one size fits all, objects in mirror are closer than they appear, do not bend, fold or mutilate, don't eat yellow snow, dry clean only yada, yada,  etc..., etc...
I won't join the yahoo group to post ebay announcements because of two reasons.  It is my understanding, and I could be wrong about this, that one has to be an IMCA member in order to post (or at least IMCA membership is preferred), and, for reasons which I will not elaborate, I have no intention of joining the IMCA.
Second, the idea of a whole list devoted to ebay auctions sounds awfully silly to me.  I know how to get to ebay and how to check for meteorite auctions and I know how to bid and sell on ebay.  Everyone else who is reading these words knows how to do these tasks as well and I really don't see the need for a separate list devoted to things which I and others already know how to do. 
And, well, I guess there is a third reason.  Given that some list members seem to enjoy participating in mud-slinging, libelous posts, threats and accusations, childish behavior and general intolerance of personality/cultural differences among others, I have no problem with comparatively innocuous and at least in some way meteorite-related ebay ads.
Besides, apparently Art doesn't mind either. 
I recently got in a bunch of those 1 x 1 inch boxes that some of us use to house micromounts, the ones with the foam pads.  I normally sell them for .50 each but for list members they are .35 each, any quantity, plus a small shipping charge.
Also, beginning tomorrow evening EST and lasting for several days, I will be selling some meteorites and supplies on ebay.  I really don't know what some of what I have is worth, so I will start all auctions at .01 and let the free market decide.  These include a huge 619 gram individual of NWA 869, a 383 gram Odessa, a slice of Valera (the cow killer from Argentina), a crusted Pultusk endpiece, display/storage cases, a lot consisting of 5 meteorite books and 5 meteorites, and a huge collection of maybe 40 or so specimens, complete with storage box and cases.  Maybe even some cutting and polishing equipment (have not decided on that yet).  Some auctions are underway already and some won't start until later but they are all only 3 day auctions.
This will be the only email concerning this sale :-)
Thanks and bis spater,
Walter Branch, Ph.D.
Branch Meteorites
PO Box 60492
Savannah, GA  31420


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