From Fred Hall to all those that entered my Holiday Contest:
I'm happy to announce the prizes for the Top Ten Fictitious Meteorite Names.
1. A US Air-Mail 3 inch by 4.5 inch card from the Smithsonian Institution, Center For Short-Lived Phenomena, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, USA, To : American Meteorite Lab., Glenn I. Huss, Director, (Dr. H. H. Nininger was the consultant at this time) that lists the KERN FIREBALL of November 21, 1974, Event Notification Report and four papers of the same size but of regular typing paper listing November "EVENTS" of the "Cincinnati Vinyl Acetate Spill, the South Texas Snout Butterfly High Migration Number", the "Isla San Lorenzo Earthquake" and the "Dunkirk Nitric Acid Spill".
     Along with the above will be Nininger's paper bound 1972 book "Find A Falling Star", new condition.
     Second Place will receive a Nininger or Huss meteorwrong (as I have no idea which gentleman tossed it on the North side of their Westminster home garage, where hundreds of meteorwrongs were placed) and a paper certifying the date I acquired the "rock" and that I acquired the meteorwrong legally.
There is still time to enter,
High Regards To All,
Fred Hall / Meteorhall

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