Hi Rob,

Yes she (Monica) was very good. I liked the clever use of chocolate
cakes as impact victims! She is clearly very good with kids.

Maybe I am just getting old but I am sure I remember when the Christmas
lectures where pitched at a slightly higher age group?  And somehow that
made them more exciting, pure real science (not 'edutainment').  But
maybe I am just a tradishonalist. In any case meteorites where mentioned
on prime time television, that has to be a result!

I am giving a meteorite lecture myself in February, and it has given me
a few pointers, so worth watching!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 05 January 2004 15:04
To: mark ford; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] RI Christmas Lectures

In a message dated 05/01/04 14:10:36 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone else in the UK see this?

Hi Mark,
yep, I saw the RI Christmas lectures and thought Monica was on fine
I guess I've seen just about every lecture broadcast over the last
30-ish years, and it's become something of a Christmas tradition here.
I recognized the NHM's Estherville, Imilac and Parnallee on the
show.....they are usually sitting outside Monica's office in Mineralogy.
All three are large, awesome meteorites.

For those that have never seen the shows, the annual Royal Institution
lectures are aimed at youngsters, and lean towards making science fun.
There's always lots of loud explosions during the demonstrations, and
visual stuff to keep the kids interested.
Great fun, even for us kids who are now in our 40's :-)


Rob Elliott
Fernlea Meteorites,
The Wynd,
Off Dickson Lane,
Milton of Balgonie,
Fife. KY7 6PY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991
PC # 1

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