Hello John and list,
My appologies for starting this, but I was sharing articles about Mars and space exploration. It is just consequential that this topic intersected politics this week. If you seen my recent postings I've held my tounge at Bush bashing on the list.
As Nasa is a government agency and space developement can be nationalistic or be about international co-operation there are important subjects that can't be totally avoided. This week our government has put out it's blueprint for the future for the next quarter century that I hope will care us through many administrations. Personally I hope this won't be co-opted by one party that just happens to be in power today. The greater issue this century is also how will the USA, China,  European, Russian and private organization compete or co-opperate in space. Or even will we continue to have a space program at all.  On the dark side will the helium 3 resources on the moon be used for the greater good of humanity and to save the planet or will we millitarize space.
At least with the US- Libian conflict being resolved perhaps we can real data on those NWA. Is that meteoritic enough for you?
Howard Wu

Hello Randy, Howard, Mark, Piper and others,

Do you think it is possible to refrain from using this list as a platform for
political rhetoric? We all have one...and occasionally crap has to flow out
of them to stay healthy. However, I'd rather not have to share these left and
right bowel movements from you all.

Let's get back to Mars rover tracks, strange but true meteorites, and wacked
out Proud Tom ideas before we go off the deep end again.


Independent John

PS And no more wanabee US and Italian Marine chest beating either.

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