>"Also...there was a solar event Wednesday and the timing of that is
being >looked at with respect to correlation to the onset of our
problems. The >flash memories are sensitive to high-energy ions and
neutrons when they are >being read from and written to, and we were
certainly engaged in a lot of >that activity that day."

Well well well, 'The flash memories are sensitive to high energy ions',
well that's a surprise isn't it (not!). Shouldn't they have considered
the not even slight possibility, that if you send a spacecraft to a
planet with no magnetic field and at a time of Solar Maximum (with some
of the biggest solar CME's on record occurring), that the flash RAM
would get completely fried? 

Well Let's just hope Opportunity doesn't go the same way, since they
carry identical hardware, and there are plenty more solar flares in
prospect!! ...


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